Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Four years ago tonight you entered my life and I am the richer for it. This morning as I took you outside for your school transport, the girls across the street wished you a happy birthday, then later they brought you a card. Mom brought some cupcakes to your school this morning. When you came home we hung out outside for quite a while, then it was time for dinner and a bath, then bed. Not super exciting, but still special because every day with you is special.


Monday, March 30, 2009

A trip to the ENT...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning we paid a visit to the ENT, who took a culture of your nose in order to figure out what we should do about its constant runnyness. We might have to remove your adenoids. They've changed their office there, but the doc was still the same: kinda brusque, can't wait to leave, etc. He's always done right by us in the past, so we stick with him. Afterward I dropped you off at school, got a coffee, collected Junie, then went to BJs. Later, when you returned home, I put you on the potty and you made. Then five minutes after I took you off you had an accident, then another later. This toilet training is tough.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

We go out to dinner...

Dear Nicky,

It was a pretty quiet day today, nothing spectacular going on. Weather was kind of dreary and we all napped pretty good. You woke up early this morning, so I snuggled with you and you caught another 20 winks. This evening we went to the Chimney Rock for dinner. You only ate french fries, but you and Junie were very well behaved. We came home, you had a bath, then bed.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Succesful party...!

Dear Nicky,

This morning you kids were a little annoying. Junie was her usual self, and you refused to pee on the potty, choosing to pee your pants five minutes after I took you off the potty. After you guys woke from your nap it was time for me to take you over to Baby Power for your early birthday party. Neither of you cooperated, fussing, crying, going boneless. But finally I got you over there (Mom had left earlier to help see up) and you had a nice time. All your friends showed up from school, as did some new friends, and your girl cousins. It was a lot of fun for all, I took pictures and video, and no one had any meltdowns. It was a very nice time, with crafts, balloons, songs, pizza, and cake.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Eye doc, and Mom represents...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you to the eye doc's office before school, where the doc was late but generally pleased with how your eyes are doing and she's content to let the patching schedule remain at an hour a day. She wants to see you back in July. When Mom took you to school, she hung out there for a while as a sort of representative for Stones as outside people not familiar with the school came to visit. Dismissal was at one this afternoon, so she brought you home sound asleep. We're all pretty tired; Junie has an ear infection that kept us up all night, but I took her to the docs this morning and got her on some meds. Hopefully she'll sleep well tonight. This afternoon I had a physical exam. My health is actually quite good; but the exam was so-so and I wonder if it should have been more thorough. Later we all went to Target to get supplies for your birthday party tomorrow. When we came home, Mom made you dinner and gave you a bath while I went to the gym for a much-needed workout.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

More success...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you performed twice on the potty, with no accidents till the end of the day, when you snuck off behind a curtain and peed on the floor. Still, not bad. In other news, June's been miserably sick, and if you don't catch it, it'll be a miracle.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nice spying...

Dear Nicky,

This evening at bedtime, we read from an I Spy, where one identifies pictures on one side of the book and then locates them among other pictures on the other side of the book. You did fantastic, not missing once. You were in a very good mood this evening too, so I can't really complain today.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Dear Nicky,

You went pee on the potty this afternoon! I'm so proud of you, you really let loose. Later this afternoon, I was trimming your toe nails, and I think I must have pinched some flesh because you really started to cry and you peed a little. But that doesn't even count as an accident; that was my fault, and I'm sorry.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Bye, Augmentin...

Dear Nicky,

We're not giving you any more of that antibiotic. It makes you sick. It gave the runs something awful this afternoon. I cleaned you up and gave you a bath. Later you ate a decent dinner. But nope, no more antibiotic for you; it's too strong, makes you dizzy, maybe, bothers your stomach, so forget it. We'll fugure something else out. Today I went to the new gym for some cardio work. Boy, that place is huge.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Early party...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you were back to your old self. Mom took you to church, but June and I stayed home because she had a fever. After church, you and I went with Mom to the new fitness center to get our pictures taken. Mom made grilled ham and cheese for lunch, but you didn't touch it; I ended up eating yours. You took a nap and woke up hungry, however, so Mom gave you a peanut butter sandwich. We went out to Granny's, but first we went to the playground, where you behaved oddly skittish and overly immature. At Granny's we had a mini birthday party for you, with Swedish meatballs and an ice cream cake. You didn't touch the meatballs, but you sure loved the cake. They're going to be away for your actual birthday, so they wanted to do a little something for you today. When we came home, we gave you your meds and put you pretty much straight to bed.

Yesterday not a whole lot went on. We were going to go to a birthday party, but you were acting a little sick so we canceled. We tried more potty training, with no success. Later I went to the movies. That was about it, but sometimes it's hard to remember things.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

IOU for Saturday, March 21...

Dear Nicky,

It's late, so I'll have to get to this for you tomorrow.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Another round of antibiotics...

Dear Nicky,

Started another course of antibiotics today for your sinuses. Hope it helps. Tomorrow is a birthday party for another pal of yours from Stones. Brief note tonight; it's late and I'm sleepy.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Only up...

Dear Nicky,

Even though today was far from perfect, it could only go up as far as I'm concerned, and it did. I got a lot of stuff off my chest and you and June had a relatively mellow evening. The new thing is that your sinus culture came back positive, with the same bacteria as before, so it's more antibiotics for you again I'm afraid. Now we'll have to evaluate if we need to have your adenoids taken out. Five surgeries for a kid not even four? My goodness, my goodness, it's so unfair. But I think we're at least done with the eyedrops.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Driveway drawing...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon after you came home, I once again forced some drops into your eyes, and then we went out to the driveway, where we did a bunch of doodling with chalk. You identified numbers, shapes, colors, pictures, names, and quantities with startling accuracy, better than June. She rode around on her tricycle for a while, with a lot of help from me, but toward the end, it looked like she was getting the hang of it. Tomorrow, whether permitting, it's your turn. For dinner, you pounded some steak, and even ate some sweet potato fries. No vegetables, of course.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Kids stay home...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we decided to keep you and Junie home because of your conjunctivitis. It wasn't a bad day. We had some fun and laughs together. We went out and got some air, then had an early lunch, then I wrestled you both to the ground and peeled open your eyes in order to get your drops in. Man, you guys flipped out. I'm lucky no one called the cops. Later you ate a nice dinner, then we put some more drops in your eyes. It's like torture.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

The circus, and conjunctivitis...!

Dear Nicky,

After a long, sleepless night, this morning Mom took you guys to church, then when she returned she thought you guys might have pinkeye. So we went to the docs, and sure enough you both have it. We got some drops that are bloody murder to get into your eyes, so tightly do you shut them. After a nap, we went to the circus, same one as last year. It was a lot of fun, but I think last year's was better. Afterward we had dinner at Granny's, then we came home and had a bath. More meds, more struggle, then it was time for bed. So far, so good.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jack's party...

Dear Nicky,

Today after your lunch, which was after your Music Together class, where you were brilliant, I'm told, we drove up the GPS to party for your little classmate from Stones, Jack. It was way up in New York State at an animal museum type of place. When we got there your little buddy was so excited and happy to see you he gave you a hug and a kiss. It was very sweet. We looked around at the animals for a while, then one of they guys that worked there gave a presentation of some of the animals, where he brought them in and everyone could pet them. It was fun, but that room was really hot. Afterward we sang Happy Birthday and had pizza and cake. You were exhausted when we left and were out like a light in the car. You slept all the way home and then some, and now you're having trouble going to sleep.


Friday, March 13, 2009

It continues...

Dear Nicky,

Well, they let you out early today, and you arrived home sound asleep. I put you to bed for a while, then when you woke we tried to put you on the potty a number of times, with no success. Of course you had a couple accidents. I now realize you might have tried to tell me you needed to use the potty but I didn't understand you. More the fool me.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tax day...

Dear Nicky,

Didn't have much chance to see you today. Went into the City and met Mom and we got our taxes done, then we went and got some really good sushi at this Japanese restaurant not too far away. Your sitter received you, fed you, and put you to sleep. She said you and Junie were both great and that you went to sleep just fine. Mom and I had a nice time too, and we did well with our taxes also.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Not such a bad potty...

Dear Nicky,

Congratulations are in order. Apparently you did really well on the potty at Stones, even going so far as making a number 2. And no accidents at all the whole day, they said. You had a couple when you came home, but that's half as many as you had yesterday. Your mood was good all afternoon, and you were very affectionate. Sometimes it's thrilling. We spoke with your OT therapist regarding increasing your individual therapy, but she felt it really wasn't necessary and would take you out of other programs that are also beneficial. So I guess we'll just leave it as is.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pleasant little fellow...

Dear Nicky,

I always look forward to receiving you at the end of the day when you return from Stones. You are always in a good mood and you've got the happiest smile for me. You're hardly ever any trouble, and you always are up for a hug and a kiss, and you give back tenfold whatever affection you get. This afternoon you gamely put up with me putting you on the potty, despite my growing belief that you're not yet ready for it. Four accidents this afternoon. Combine that with Junie's less than angelic behavior today and it tests even my saintly patience.


Monday, March 09, 2009

Potty duty...

Dear Nicky,

Today Mom and I started in earnest with your potty training at home. You leave for school with a regular diaper under your training pants, and come home the same way. At school you're in training pants all day. Upon your return I take you to the potty. This afternoon you didn't make. Junie woke up from her nap and flipped out. I attended to her, and then you walked up to me soaked from the waist down. I change you into fresh training pants, then five minutes later you sneak a poop into them. Another change. Well, these things take time. For dinner tonight you pounded some cod fish sticks quite well. Guess we'll have to add that to your repertoire, kid.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Darn stools...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went down to Target to get a new couple of step stools to try and make your potty training a little easier, since the step stools we have are a bit short. I got what I thought were a couple good ones, but Mom says they're too high, so back they go. I'm writing to you earlier than usual today in order to try to go to sleep a bit sooner tonight. Right now you're at Granny's where you'll probably have something good for dinner, then when you come home I'll give you a bath.


Saturday, March 07, 2009

A playdate and some steak...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you took an early nap in order to wake up in time to go to a playdate with June to the house of a little girl from your Music Together class. You had a nice time and helped yourself to plenty of cookies. Meanwhile, I went to Union to hit the Babies R Us, looking for cotton training pants. I played the odds, thinking for sure Babies would have it, and of course I was wrong, so I ended up going to Target, where I found a bunch. When I got home I made us all a nice dinner: steak, corn, brussels sprouts, and french fries. We all ate well. Afterward, you had some banana, then your Pepcid. You were very active this afternoon and consequently this evening wanted to go straight to bed.


Friday, March 06, 2009


Dear Nicky,

So today we had your IEP at Stones. This is basically where your education is planned for the next school year. I think it went very smoothly. There were no surprises and everybody was very nice and they all had the greatest things to say about you. Mom and I went there earlier and we peeked in on you while you were sleeping. It was the cutest thing. When we were done I took you down to Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside for an appointment with Dr. Cheng. Another doctor and a med student observed. Everyone thought you were so cute and you behaved very nicely. The doc saw nothing to be concerned about. On the way out, we scheduled another appointment in six months, and an x-ray appointment in July. After that we went to Toys R Us to look for training pants, but found none. So we went to Target and found only one pack. At home, after dinner and a bath, we watched two new Signing Time vids, then I put you to bed.


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Nice and tired...

Dear Nicky,

Went to the gym today, had a good workout. Picked up Junie and went to Home Depot, she had a bad meltdown and fell asleep in the car. Laurie received you this afternoon, took you out to play in the yard. You ate some veggie nuggets for dinner. It took you an hour. Tomorrow Mom and I come to Stones to discuss your IEP, then you and I go see Dr. Cheng.


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

NyQuil for Daddy...

Dear Nicky,

I just took a NyQuil so I could sleep through my sore throat and now I'm really sleepy. I'll catch you up tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Another sore throat...

Dear Nicky,

Meaning me. It came on really fast. Hope it goes away fast too. Kinda feels like it might be a bad one.


Monday, March 02, 2009

Big snow day...

Dear Nicky,

It snowed a lot last night, and it was cold and windy all day. School was canceled, so you and Junie were both here with me and Mom, who also decided to stay home today. It was a somewhat long day, but Mom made us some beef stew we all enjoyed. You guys got a bath as well, which you needed. Our neighbors cleaned our driveway for us. Surprisingly nice of them.


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Church, nap, Granny's...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom and I went to the contemporary service at church. I was underwhelmed. Shortly after we got home, Mom and June left to go to a birthday party for a kid in her preschool. I gave you some mac and cheese and apples for lunch, but you only ate the apples and dumped the mac on the floor. That got you a time out. The gals soon returned with reports concerning the lameness of the party. Then we put you kids down for a nap, and Mom took you to Granny's for the afternoon. There you played with Nigel the cat and ate chicken curry while I did some touchup painting on the baseboards and ran some errands. You came home around seven, and went to bed shortly thereafter.
