Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, 2012...!

My darling Nick,

You take karate, you're learning to swim. You can write your name and no other kid at your school can. You're a squishy delicious cuddle-bunny, a human Teddy bear, a brave, contrary, smart, exasperating, funny, frustrating, beautiful, loving, stubborn, gorgeous human being. You're my son, my firstborn, my only boy. You came into my arms seven years ago tonight. Seven years have gone by in the blink of an eye. We looked each other in the eye that night, right in the eye and only seconds old!, and so many times since then. We still find each other in the night sometimes, and I wrap myself around you and you bury your face in my neck, and I become drunk with a love that words cannot do justice. I feel like I've aged 21 years, while you've aged a little over two. It hasn't been easy, kid, God knows if he exists--but am I a richer man for having you in my life, am I a better person? There is no doubt. The day of your birth has been an ongoing gift to me.



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