Friday, August 31, 2007

Last day of August 2007...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we all went for a walk again. Then Mom took you guys out on errands later while I tried to fix the faucet. I thought I'd fixed it, but now I'm not sure. The painter guy came over and put three types of gray paint on the side of our house so we can decide which we like best. After her bath, Junie took a big dump on our bedroom carpet and I cleaned it up. Then Alexa the sitter came over to watch you guys while Mom and I went out to eat. At first I didn't have much of an appetite, but it got better.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

No door...

Dear Nicky,

We were supposed to get a new door put in today, but the guys couldn't make it. They said they would come on Tuesday. Mom went out shopping all day with Granny. Your nanny took you on two walks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It was supposed to rain tonight, but I don't think it will. I was hoping it would, because it's good for the lawn.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mornin' walk...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we all four went out for a walk. By the time we got back you were asleep and June was doing her usual fussing. After you guys woke from your nap, Mom and Granny took you to Hoboken. Why, I really can't understand, but it was something Mom wanted to do. While you guys were gone I got the Subaru lube-oil-and-filtered and went to the supermarket. Not much else to report today, but it was nice.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dinner out again...!

Dear Nicky,

So your nanny made it back today after nearly a month of being out. She wasn't doing very well, and her mom had a stroke on top of that, but she came back today and was her usual pleasant self, and you guys were happy to see her. We took Junie to the doc's again because she has an incredible rash, and they gave us some stuff. You had a lot of laughs with your PT, which was rare but always welcome. Granny showed up around the same time as Rob the PT and was quite distracting for a while. She made us some pasta, which used up the pasta I was going to use, and it wasn't very good. Later, a new sitter came over so Mom and I could go out to dinner. She was a very nice girl who lives right down the street.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Lawn care...

Dear Nicky,

So Mom's off this week, which means you get some extra attention from her. Also, as far as we know, your nanny's coming back tomorrow, so that'll be good. This morning you did okay with PT, then took a good nap, then did okay with OT. Then Mom took you out to your cousins, where you had so much fun you exhausted yourself and hardly ate anything. How you manage to grow is beyond me, but then again, you are a wonder.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Angry daddy...

Dear Nicky,

Today I felt like I got up on the wrong side of the bed. I've been angry all day. It's terrible, actually. But I'm not mad at you or your sister or Mom. I guess I'm just tired. We wanted to go to a park for a nice stroll, but you fell asleep in the car, so we drove around so you'd keep sleeping. When you woke up we wanted to go to the deserted village, but then Junie wouldn't stop screaming, so we just came home.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Some chores...

Dear Nicky,

Another heat wave has fallen on us this weekend, and the humidity makes it feel like it's over 100 degrees. Mom took you guys out this morning for a nice long walk before it go too hot, and you were asleep when you got back. Neither of you kids napped for long, so I did some chores while Mom took you guys on some errands. I hung a mirror and repainted those doors that were messed up looking from being painted the wrong kind of white. I think we're good at last. I also got a haircut. What an exciting day, eh?


Friday, August 24, 2007


Dear Nicky,

Today we went to the Post Office to send off your passport stuff. Junie cried the whole time. Then I took you to get a haircut and you cried the whole time. I'm surrounded!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dinner out...

Dear Nicky,

Today you had a substitute nanny who was really great. She was filling in for your regular nanny who's been out sick for a while. She really loved you. Then later, we had a sitter come over for a while so Mom and I could go to this hot, cramped, smelly little Mexican restaurant with a friend of Mom's from work and his wife. The more I think about it the more I think it sucked. My free time is like gold in my hand, and to squander it annoys me. But I'm always the one that has to make the sacrifices, it seems.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Dear Nicky,

You threw such an awful tantrum this evening as I was trying to wash Junie's butt that I nearly lost my mind. I yelled at you both. Sorry, I'll try not to.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Better living through chemistry...?

Dear Nicky,

We'll be seeing Dr. Fred pretty soon for your annual checkup at the Judy Center. I want to ask him his thoughts about this medication for lowering blood pressure called Cozaar that has shown good results in improving muscle laxity throughout the body by blocking some kind of protein overabundance. I also want to ask him about Arricept and Lipitor, which are supposed to improve Alzheimer's problems, which you won't have to worry about for a long time, if at all, if the Stanford University research goes well. Today was an okay day otherwise. Rainy and dreary, but it finally let up this afternoon long enough to go run some errands and get a cup of coffee. Dunkin Donuts' iced coffee extra light with cream is insanely delicious!


Monday, August 20, 2007

How's your balance...?

Dear Nicky,

So today I saw you make a number of efforts to stand independently. This morning Rob the PT did some taping of your legs and made you walk, then he took the tape off and made you walk. Later, when you and I were rolling around, you pushed off of me and stood independently for several seconds before falling on your butt. Now I wonder why you can't seem to stand. Is it fear? Can you not feel your legs? Can you not maintain your balance? I wish I knew and I wish I could help you.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

A somewhat busy day...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning, Mom took you guys to the farmer's market in Summit, where she bought us a cherry pie and you guys got lots of compliments. Then you guys went down for a nap when you got back and I mowed the lawn. When you woke we all had something to eat, then we went to Trader Joe's, BJ's, and Super Stop and Shop. You guys were just great. It was a rainy day but it was nice all of us together. When we came back up the hill from Route 22, we went to Dunkin Donuts, where I needed an ice coffee and a couple Boston creams in the worst way. We returned home, fed you, and put you to sleep. Busy, but fun!


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Some company...

Dear Nicky,

It was a cool day today, unseasonably cool even, but it was very nice. Mom took you guys out for a walk in the morning to get bagels. Later, your pal from Stones, Sean, came over with his family and we had pizza and hot dogs. It was nice to have them over and they were very impressed with you and the number of words in your vocabulary. We had a nice time, and you had some pizza and ice cream. Afterward, I had a lot of laughs with you doing our Nicky's Inverted game, where I dangle you upside down. You think it's funny as anything.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Hey big boy...

Dear Nicky,

So, because I've been concerned lately over your eating habits--or lack thereof, actually--Mom took you to the doc this afternoon for a height and weight check, and, surprise, you're doing quite well. You're 28 pounds and 35 inches. That's somewhat on the small side, but fantastic news considering how little you eat. We also took you kids to get passport photos today. It took just a few minutes and the pics came out nice. We hope to go to the Carribbean for Christmas, and you and your sister will need passports. Lately, however, passports have been taking forever to process and deliver, nationwide. We hope we can get yours done in time.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hi, kid...

Dear Nicky,

Hi pal, how's it going? Today you ate a nice big pile of stew meat for lunch. I tried to sneak in some Brussels sprouts and potatoes under the pile of shredded meat that Granny cooked for us yesterday, but you were too clever and delicately picked out the vegetables and daintily tossed them on the floor. Your speech therapist came by to do a make-up session, and you did well with her. Earlier, I turned my back for a second and you grabbed a fistful of June's hair and latched on like a barnacle or something. Don't torment your sister, Nick. I know she sure can be a little bit of a pain with her constant shrill cry, but be nice to her. After all, you're her big brother. After a big lunch like the one you had, you didn't want much for dinner, but at least you drank plenty of water. Neither of you took an afternoon nap, so when bedtime came you guys were more than ready. When you were both asleep, I went and did the recycling. There's always empty diaper boxes to be thrown out.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We've had some laughs...

Dear Nicky,

Not much has been going on this week, nothing major or exciting. Junie can stand independently for several minutes, which is great. Granny came over this afternoon and watched you guys for a couple hours and also made us dinner. That was very nice of her. But you and me, pal, despite not being up to much, we have a lot of laughs sometimes. The other day I was giving you a bouncy ride on my knees as I lay on the floor. We just laughed and laughed. Then when I put you down on my belly, you'd come scuttling up my torso and wrap your arms around my neck and bury your little face. These times happen quite often, but I don't mention them often. But you should know that it's moments like these that are some of the sweetest in my life.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Too sleepy...

Dear Nicky,

It's just another one of those days, pal, where I'm too tired to think straight. I'll catch you up soon.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Everybody needs to feel loved...

Dear Nicky,

Mom wasn't mad at me; she just felt a little sad because she just needed a little attention. Last week your nanny was out sick, so I was abused and tortured and tormented by you kids the whole week (just kidding), and it took a tool on me and I was really tired and not as attentive as I could have been with Mom. But everything's okay, and I'm not in the doghouse anymore.

This morning you didn't feel like cooperating with Rob your PT. We all went for a nice drive in the afternoon. Then your nanny called. Guess what! She's pregnant. She already has three kids; she must be a sucker for punishment (just kidding)!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mom's mad...

Dear Nicky,

Mom's mad at me for some reason, and I don't know why. She's been giving me the cold shoulder since this morning. I don't know what I did wrong, and I don't think it's right that she's trying to punish me all day long.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

IOU yet again...!

Dear Nicky,

Another day where I can't keep my eyes open at the end of the day! Sorry, pal.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Another IOU...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry, pal, it's just been one of those days. I'll catch you up tomorrow.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

You're amazing...

Dear Nicky,

So yesterday not much happened, but today at Stones, Maria the OT said you were amazing and that you're the one the other kids look to in order to see what to do. At home, Mom drew you a bunch of pictures on your magnadoodle and you identified every single one. That shows great pattern recognition and abstract interpretation! Quite impressive!


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

IOU another post...

Dear Nicky,

It was one of those days that left me wiped out.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Window painting...

Dear Nicky,

Today some other guys came and painted the windows that were installed last week. They primed, caulked, and painted, they did a nice job with no mess. You and June were quite a handful, no news there, but today was harder because we were sort of trapped because we couldn't really move around a lot. Granny came over this afternoon, ostensibly to watch you guys for a bit while I ran some errands because your nanny was out sick today. But as soon as she got here she started complaining about how she had to leave to offer her brilliant decorating advice to some yokel that can't decide what kind of handles she wants on her kitchen cabinets. Granny's really more trouble than she's worth.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Sleepy Monday...

Dear Nicky,

You had breakfast after PT this morning. You ate well and probably would've napped nicely shortly thereafter, but your OT was less than two hours away, so it didn't make sense to take the time to get you to sleep only to wake up again a short while later, so you stayed awake, which made for a less productive session than usual. Afterward, you had a snack, then you took a really nice long nap. Maybe halfway through you started to fuss, so I put you in our bed, where you clung to me and burrowed your face into my chest. It was a great feeling for me. You're very sweet and cuddly. And smart too. Mom was telling me how well you recognize drawings of objects and that you draw them when asked. That's very impressive.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Granny's pool...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon, after June finished a screaming fit, we went to Granny's house to use the pool. The water was nice, despite Grandpop's efforts to clean the sides of the pool of algae while we were in it. We put you in this little flotation device that keeps you safe and snug and you liked it. It was fun in the pool, then we went inside for lunch. You had three helpings of chicken and pasta, while we had some very tasty BLTs. Then we came home, hung out, then put you to bed. Oh by the way, June ate some cat food while at Granny's. Funny, right?


Friday, August 03, 2007

New windows...

Dear Nicky,

This morning the window guys came, without even any advance notice, and started working on replacing the old, old windows in the front of the house. It's nice to have new, energy-efficient, easy to open windows. They need painting on the inside, but once everything's done it'll be nice. They worked hard and made a lot of noise all day, not that it bothered you. You were incredibly curious to see what was going on and when nap time came, you slept nicely tucked away in our bed. It's very cute to see your little body in our big bed. Later, Mom took you guys to Granny's to go the pool. When you came back you were wiped out and went straight to bed, sound asleep at five o'clock and have been asleep ever since.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

That darn kid...

Dear Nicky,

It was really a tough day at Stones for you because there was this darn new kid there who wouldn't stop crying, screaming really, and he made this kid who's older than you cry like a madman also. It was very distracting, and, as it persisted throughout the whole time we were there, it eventually wore you out and you started to cry terribly too. You cried the whole way home, miserably, piteously, and finally you calmed down and took a nap. Happily, you woke up sunny and ate a decent lunch and dinner. This afternoon some guys came by and trimmed our trees in the back yard. I hope this lets more sun in; that'd be good. I'm still thinking about that darn kid...! Makes me mad. Grrr!


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Nothing spectacular...

Dear Nicky,

Not much went on today. I had your nanny come an extra day just so I could do some stuff around the house. I did some yardwork that I usually do on Saturday, thus saving myself a lot of time this weekend. Your sister's rash is totally cleared up. You just don't seem to want to eat much at all these days and I think I'm going to take you for a weight check tomorrow or the next day. Also tomorrow, some guys are coming to trim some of our trees. That'll be interesting, huh?
