Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cousin Lottie's 9 years old...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon we went out to Pennsylvania for Cousin Lottie's ninth birthday party. You and Junie had a great time with your cousins, and you ate some chicken and some cupcake, which you stuffed in your mouth like an animal. We stayed for a while then came home and went to bed. Tomorrow we go to another birthday party.


Friday, January 30, 2009

My endoscopy...

Dear Nicky,

Today I had an endoscopy, which is when the stick a tube down your throat to look at your stomach and stuff. Everything went really smoothly. I'm just a little tired still from the anesthesia.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

No biting...!

Dear Nicky,

This evening, after I gave you your antibiotic and your cookie, I took the syringe into the kitchen to clean it, then while my back was turned I heard a long cry that quickly grew into a shriek of pain. Turns out you had bitten Junie's finger hard enough to leave teeth marks and almost break the skin. I'm sure she was sticking her fingers in your face or something, but still, one does not bite other people. I told you how bad it is to bite and gave you a time out, which made you weep with grief. Meanwhile, Junie was screaming, but eventually I managed to calm her down. Then your time out was over and you two kissed and made up. I then announced it was time for bed and that we should all march up the stairs. Junie was amenable, but you refused to walk and started bawling again, which made Junie cry. It was intolerable. I left you downstairs, hurriedly put Junie to sleep and told her I didn't want to hear a sound from her for the rest of the night. Then I came and collected you, further reprimanded you for your utter lack of cooperation, and put you to bed with the same instruction to go to sleep and be quiet. Both you kids were rotten tonight. There, I said it.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Out of it...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry pal, I'm a little out of it right now so must say goodnight.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not having much luck...

Dear Nicky,

We're putting you and Junie on the potty as regularly as we can, and you guys seem to like it, but you won't make. Neither one of you. Mom and I have been doing it for a while with no results and we're starting to feel discouraged in yet another aspect of parenting. So please, hurry up and get potty-trained, will you?


Monday, January 26, 2009

Return to Pepcid...

Dear Nicky,

Well, this evening you ate a nice steak dinner very well, but afterward I could hear you regurging and percolating like a coffee maker, so I gave you a squirt of Pepcid and it calmed you right down. We try to ween you off it, but it just seems you're not ready for it. I also got some fluoride into you and dosed you with your antibiotic, then it was time for bed, just like it is for me now.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Out for dinner...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we all went to church. When we returned to claim you from Sunday School, you were the center of attention of a bunch of girls who were playing tea party with you. It was insanely cute. Later in the afternoon, after your nap, we all went out for dinner at the Chimney Rock, where you and Junie behaved less than stellar, but that's okay because you're just kids. We came home and had a bath, then you went to bed.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Frigid Saturday...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you to Music Together then to the supermarket. While this was going on I went to the gym. When I came home it was almost time for your nap. I put you down, then after straightening up the house, I took a nap too. Mom read a manuscript Aunt Za wrote; it was pretty bad, but I admire her for writing a full length manuscript. When you woke Mom took you to Granny's and I went to BJs, Staples, and Barnes and Noble. I got a bunch of water, diapers, toilet paper, towels, wipes, and Genie refills, and also a file folder for Mom, and some books and magazines for me. When you came home I gave you some banana, then dosed you with your meds and gave you a cookie. Mom put you to bed, and I put Junie. It was very cold outside today, and tomorrow's supposed to be even colder.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Bug day...!

Dear Nicky,

Today was bug day at school so June and I showed up to check them out along with you. There were boxes of dead bugs, impaled on needles for display, a couple boxes with bugs that weren't allowed out (like a black widow). The dude that represented the bug zoo facility walked around with some bugs in his hands and let you touch them. Some kids were afraid and other tried to poke the bugs. You were very gentle when you touched them. You touched a Brazilian hissing cockroach, an African black millipede, and a black scorpion that glows under a flashlight. They all felt like clean plastic to me. You didn't want to handle the tarantula when it was brought around, but I sure did. It was light as a feather and I took some pictures of it in my hand.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nice behavior...

Dear Nicky,

This evening you ate well and behaved well when it was time for bed. In fact tonight was so much fun putting you kids to bed, 40 minutes had gone by before I even noticed it. You even took your medicine reasonably well, though I did have to assuage your outrage with a cookie immediately afterward.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Wicked Wednesday...

Dear Nick,

We all got up super early this morning and I got you ready to go off to school, then took Junie to day care, then went to the gym. I did a good cardio workout this morning, then I had a shower, went and got a hamd and egg sandwich, then piked up Junie. We drove out to Bridgewater to go to Wegman's. She was a handful. When we got home, I discovered the cleaning lady had locked thr door to the bathroom off the kitchen. Junie cried going to sleep, during sleep, and waking up from sleep. You came home in a good mood. We all snacked, then you had some veggie nuggets. Mom gave a bath then we pur you to bed.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Such a good mood...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you came home in the best mood. You were full of beans and feeling good and we had nothing but laughs the rest of the afternoon. You must have been very happy to get back to school and also your sinuses are probably feeling better since we put you on the antibiotic. For dinner you had some really good chicken nuggets, which you initially refused till I finally got you to eat them by taking them from you and eating them myself. Later, I dosed you with your meds; you hated it, as did I, but I think I endure it better than Mom. You and Junie spent the last part of the day giving me "presents" consisting of crumpled sheets of paper. I swoon over them, then you guys would take them back, go off and rearrange them, then come back and give me a brand new "present."


Monday, January 19, 2009

You are on the ball...

Dear Nicky,

You were especially affectionate today, and I loved it. I love how when I come in from getting the snow off the driveway, there you are. You pop up and run into my arms. You're always good for a hug and a squeeze. This evening I was watching you watch Signing Times and your concentration, focus, and following along and repeating of what was going on TV was actually thrilling. Sure, you've got a ways to go with your gross motor and fine motor skills, but you got a lot going on upstairs.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Antibiotics again...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you to the docs because we have a feeling you might have a sinus infection; you were up all night fussing and crying. They checked you out and cultured some of your nasal discharge. We'll have to wait for a few days to get the results of that, but they did verify that your ears have no infection, your tubes are still in place, and your lungs are clear. We got a prescription for antibiotics and went to Target to get it filled; we also picked up a bunch of other stuff while there. We came home, tried to give you some lunch, then put you down for a good nap after first dosing you with antibiotic. When you woke, Mom took you to Granny's where, I'm told, your behavior was not your usual self. Back home, you ate three cups of applesauce and some goldfish. Then Mom zapped you with the antibiotic again and I put you to bed. I hope you have a nice night.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Steak for dinner...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we bundled you up and off you guys went to Music Together. You sure love it. The rest of the day was uneventful and too cold to go anywhere. But I did straighten up the computer desk while you napped, which was nice. Later, Mom took June for a ride to the store and you and I stayed home. You watched me make dinner, which consisted of steak, fries, and green beans. For dessert you each had 1.5 bananas. I handed pieces to you both like I was feeding some sort of delicate Pomeranians or something. But you ate very well for dinner and I bet you sleep well tonight.


Friday, January 16, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Major cold snap today. We hung out most of the day. I took a nice nap while you took one, too. Later we went to the barbershop and got you and Junie haircuts. You both behaved very well and got good looking haircuts. We came home, tried to give you dinner, then you had a bath. Mom went to her dinner with other Stepping Stones moms and I put you to bed.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bad dreams...?

Dear Nicky,

At the moment you're sleeping poorly, as if you might be having nightmares or something. You keep shouting out, "No!" I've been coming in there several times and stroking your exquisite head and patting your back. Your agitation quickly fades, but also quickly returns on my departure. I hate when your sleep is troubled. I just hope it's not an ear infection or something.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Still home...

Dear Nicky,

We kept you home from Stones yet again this morning. You had a mild fever and a runny nose. The cleaning people came, Mom took off like a scalded cat, and I had to take a shower. You and June raised quite a rumpus in the few minutes I took a shower. Then we dressed and took June to church daycare while you and I went on adventure to a new B&N location. I got a lot of books there. Then we picked up Junie, had some lunch, a brief nap, then later came dinner. Mom gave you guys a bath and we put you to bed.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Dear Nicky,

So today I was wiped out from last night, as was Mom. We kept you home again this morning because your nose was running like a faucet. You and Junie were both kind of pills today and you really kept me hopping all day long. We went nowhere, I'm afraid, and I was so tired all day all I wanted to do was rest. But you guys wouldn't allow it. It's like you sensed my weakness, like sharks smelling blood in the water, and tormented me incessantly.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Another bug...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we kept you home because you had a fever and seemed lethargic. Good thing we did because you had the runs. Junie was fine this morning, but late in the afternoon she threw up all over the place. She was funny about it, though. She kept up a running commentary, first telling me that her tummy hurt, then that she made a mess, then that she felt better. Then I threw up too. In fact, I feel like I might throw up again right now.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nothing to eat...

Dear Nicky,

You did a lot of throwing up last night and you had a slight fever this morning, but your spirits were good all day. You didn't eat much of anything but you drank plenty of fluids. If you have a good night's rest this evening and don't have any temperature in the morning, we'll send you off to Stones. If you're not okay, you and I get to hang out tomorrow.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Potty, and puking...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you made great progress at home in terms of willingness to sit on the potty. You saw June do it and I guess it must have looked like fun, so you wanted in on the action. Great work. I think this means you're getting ready to take steps to using the toilet like a big kid. That'd be great. Today was also your first Music Together class in the New Year, which you always enjoy. A snow storm started around noon. It's not bad so far. Not much else happened for the rest of the day. We put you to bed, then about an hour later you threw up, then later you did it some more. It's probably the same bug Junie had all last week, but she didn't throw up. After throwing up, you clearly felt much better, and now you're sleeping peacefully. I hope you feel well soon.


Friday, January 09, 2009

New furniture...

Dear Nicky,

What a busy day today was, with lots of people coming in and out of our house. The cable guy came and fixed the cable. Turns out the cable coming into the house was in bad shape somehow, but now it's fixed and we get a nice strong signal coming in. The some haulaway guys came and got rid of some furniture for us. I rolled up the old carpet from the living room and brought it up and into the guest room. Tomorrow I'll clean it and spread it out. Then the carpet guys came with a new carpet. Then the curtain guys came and put on new window treatments in the family room. Then I went to Home Depot and the grocery store, and I got some more gas for the snow blower. When I came home, you were here already and Junie was still asleep. Boy, has she been sick this week. Finally the new furniture came and the guys set it up and now that living room looks like a whole new room with plenty of space to sit finally. You didn't eat much dinner. You had some yogurt, then a bath, watched some Wiggles, then went to bed.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

I do the driving...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you were late in waking up, so I decided to drive you to Stones myself. We made it in 20 minutes and had fun along the way. You were happy to be there. Junie wanted to join you. Driving you there was just like old times. There's no way you should be stuck on some van for an extra forty minutes. I shall make things right.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The non-snowstorm...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning we woke up to a light ice storm. We didn't get hit hard at all; we were lucky. Other areas seemed to have gotten hit quite hard. We were watching the news trying to figure out if you're ride was gonna be delayed. It was but not as much as I thought. They called and let me know they were on their way. I got you ready in time. They were a little later than usual, which was nice. I hope we can make that change permanent.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hope you don't get sick...

Dear Nicky,

Junie's got a bad cold. I hope you don't get it. She had her runniest nose ever today, and was wiping it on everything but a tissue. Blecchhh! You came home from school in a good mood again, had a glass of milk, then for dinner you had six veggie nuggets. We put you to sleep slightly early today, since you seemed tired this morning.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Back to Stones...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, after tearing you away from the contemplative enjoyment of your piece of toast and torturing you with your now daily nasal suctioning, I sent you off to school again.  For the rest of the day until your return I would be handling Junie, who today had a cough that no doubt will pass on to you, that precluded her from going to her little preschool thing this morning.  So she was a little handful.  Then you came home and it was such a delight to see you again, and you seemed so happy to see me.  Your communication notebook said you had a fantastic first day back.  I guess you were glad to see all your friends again and get back into your routine.  For the rest of the afternoon we hung out, then I made you a steak dinner, which you really loved.  For dessert you had a banana, then Mom came home and she put you to bed.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

First Sunday in January...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you to church while I took down the Christmas tree and brought in the lights from outside. The tree was hard to disassemble but I finally got it. Upon your return Mom made you guys a nice lunch which you refused to eat. Then we put you to bed for a nap, and later Mom took you to Granny's yet again. When you got back you had a bath, watched some Signing Times, and went to bed. We put a pillow in your crib to see how you'll like it.


Saturday, January 03, 2009

New sitter...

Dear Nicky,

Mom and I went out for dinner tonight and we had a new lady come and put you and June to bed. Her name was Colleen. She seemed like a nice lady. Not much else to report on today. You had a nice dinner of chicken broccoli nuggets. Mom took you to a kids' camp for a while earlier. You and Junie had some laughs with these dominoes I got you guys a few days ago. We had a nice dinner, then went to the bookstore for a while. We were originally going to go to this fancy place farther away, but I didn't feel well enough to schlep all the way there, nor did I feel like dressing up. Mom was nice about it.


Friday, January 02, 2009

Cousins visit...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon, Aunt Duchy brought your cousins over for a bit while she went to the mall. You and June were so excited to play with them you skipped your midday nap and consequently went to bed earlier and more easily than usual.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009...

Dear Nicky,

A new year, full of promise and hope. Brutally cold out today, nothing open, kinda dull. I put out all the recycling because they're still coming tomorrow. You did not want to wake up for your nap this afternoon, but we made you and then we went to Granny's for a boring visit. You like Nigel the cat a lot though. Then home and bed. I may have strep, by the way.
