Thursday, January 03, 2013

Thumbs up...

Dear Nicky, Have I mentioned that you're now going to school at ECLC? My little bird has left the nest! It's taken you a little while to get used to the new structure and routines, but you do okay most of the time. They have a method for communicating whether you've had a good behavior day or a bad behavior day. Sometimes you get a report with a thumbs up, sometimes you get a report with a thumbs down. When you get a thumbs up report, it gets taped to the wall of honor in the kitchen. When you don't, you're not allowed to play Wii. Powerful motivators both! Love, Dad

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Dear Nicky, This afternoon when you returned home, I resolved to start patching your right eye again in order to strengthen the left one. We haven't done this in a long time, but when we used to, you tolerated it rather well, but then our resolve weakened and we told ourselves that you wouldn't allow it anymore. And again today, you had no interest at all, and I didn't want to upset you, but this needed to be done. So I sat with you, and talked, and joked, and bargained, until you finally agreed. You wore it steadily for over an hour, and I praised you heartily when the time was up. When Mom came home, she praised you, too. I felt pretty good as well. Love, Dad

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year, new chance...

Dear Nick, I haven't written in so long, and I'm sorry. I got some bad advice. I haven't been myself, haven't been thinking clearly, for quite some time. I've made a lot of mistakes, and I cringe or kick myself when I review them, which is often. I haven't forgotten that you're one of the best gifts I've ever gotten in this life, but I have allowed that knowledge to be buried in the mud of the everyday monotony, the drudgery of the daily toil, frankly. You're greater in your personhood than I am in mine. I thought I was here to teach you, but I think you teach me far more. You're a wonder and I love you. That's all I need to focus on. Love, Dad