Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Dear Nicky, This morning I woke up around 3 soaked in sweat and couldn't go back to sleep again. Around 4 you woke up and started walking around. I'd gone into the green room to look at may iPad. I called you in and we snuggled together under the covers. You went to sleep instantly. It was great being next to you. Your soft, squishy body is eminently huggable. Love, Dad

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Dear Nicky, This morning began with you opening the valentines card you found on your chair. You loved it so much you brought it to school. June came home with lots of cards and candies. You did too. I got you both a couple of matchbox cars at the store. Then we made brownies together and you were totally into the mixing. Later you were totally into the eating! Love, Dad

Monday, February 13, 2012

Super Duper Open Mouth...

Dear Nicky, This evening after your bath I was getting you ready for bed when you managed to open your mouth the widest I've ever seen. It was really big and your tongue was in a nice flat position, not blocking everything like it often does. I shall encourage you to display this newfound ability often, because I think it'll be a nice exercise for you. In other news we made valentines this afternoon. You were semi cooperative when it came to making them for your schoolmates but totally independent when it came to making Mom's, so good on you. Love, Dad

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Truthful things, moments of clarity...

Dear Nicky,

I can be pretty uninspired a lot, quite lazy most of the time. I wonder if I'm doing enough for you to help you and it makes me feel inadequate and overwhelmed. I wish I were a better father for you, and for your sister. Sometimes I bemoan my state, but other times the veil lifts from before my eyes and I see that my life is far, far better for having my two children in it. You honor me by your being.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bad haircut...

Dear Nicky,

This morning was karate and a haircut, followed by a nice warm bath, then a haircut. But unfortunately your haircut, while being okay, is not very inspired, nor illustrative of your hair's amazing potential. Oh well, it grows quick, and maybe we'll have your locks go more rockstar next time.


Friday, February 10, 2012

I visit your school...

Dear Nicky,

Today I came to your school to observe for the whole day. I wanted to see what a typical day was like for you, and though everyone told me Friday is not typical (i.e., it's an "easier" day), now I understand why you come home so tired.

It was great to see you in your element from beginning to end, to see the sort of curriculum you take part in, to see your everyday school routine. You were very impressive and I was proud and even surprised by some of the things you can do. We've got to bring more of that behavior home, because you've been conning us, my little man.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Undetected fever...

Dear Nicky,

You seemed fine all afternoon, but when it came time for dinner, you'd have none of it. Turns out you had a fever, poor guy. Tomorrow you have an appointment with Dr. Solo. I hope it goes well. Good news is welcome at our house.


Monday, February 06, 2012


Dear Nicky,

I don't think you slept that great last night. You might have had bad dreams or something. You came home this afternoon asleep, and you were nearly asleep during dinner. I skipped baths tonight because you seemed so sleepy, and I feel sleepy too.


Sunday, February 05, 2012

Long weekend...

Dear Nicky,

Yesterday was karate and swimming, today was birthday parties. You went with Mom to Morristown. I took June to Indigo gymnastics. Lots of fun and running around. When that was over, I took her to the park for some more running around. Mom made us a nice beef stew for dinner, which you ate especially well. We stayed up a little late because of the Superbowl, then went to bed. This weekend seemed long.


Saturday, February 04, 2012


Dear Nicky, This morning after karate, we came home and you asked for Mac and cheese and then refused to eat it. At your swim lesson today you were embarrassingly loud. I try to be patient, and I try to forgive myself when I'm impatient, but sometimes you wear me out coming and going. Love, Dad

Friday, February 03, 2012

Slow dinner...

Dear Nicky,

Last night I fell asleep before I could post, nothing major to report anyway, except that Junie got her orange belt at karate. She was really proud.

Tonight you ate a decent dinner but took a long time to eat it. It was kind of tiring to have to cheer you on for so long just to eat a small meal.

June had another Daisy meeting today, and it went really well. You and I dropped her off and picked her up together, and you behaved really well.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

You seem better...

Dear Nicky,

Yesterday you had a fever and didn't eat a thing, but I think your fever broke in the middle of the night, due in part, I believe, to a shot of colloidal silver. This morning you were a little groggy because of the Benadryl, and it was a little stressful trying to get you to go on the potty. But you did. Later when you came home, you were wide awake and smiling, you said you were all better and your mood and energy were definitely improved. You still ate pretty lightly for dinner, but we had a lot of laughs tossing you and June on the bed like sacks of potatoes, so I think you had some 24 hour bug or something.
