Friday, November 30, 2007

Tough day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was rather tough. Mom left on another business trip so were alone again today and tomorrow. It's not so bad, but Junie requiring a lot of holding and neither of you is eating great and I've got a lot of work to do to get your Me book ready on time. I couldn't do much tonight, I'm afraid, since I had to get Granny to come for a while so I could run some errands. Tomorrow Granddaddy is coming over and I hope to be able to run some errands and do some yardwork. We'll see.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Book of Nick...

Dear Nicky,

You did great at Stones today and well with your speech therapist. I wasn't around to see the latter, however, since I was at the library working on your Me Book, a little report type of thing that Stones advised us to put together to give to your Determination meeting so they might know you a little better. Initially, I was concerned I wouldn't be able to fill the pages, but now I think I'll have more of a problem not going overboard and yakking about you too much!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I owe you a post...

Dear Nicky,

It was a good day today, but very physically draining.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Solid work...

Dear Nicky,

It was warm and rainy out this morning, but it became cool and dry and windy this afternoon. We were a couple minutes late getting to Stones, but nothing major. You didn't eat much in your speech class, but otherwise were quite impressive in your other therapies. When we left, you fell asleep within minutes. When we got home you stayed asleep as I took off your shoes, glasses, and jacket, but woke up when I put you in your crib. After a while you went back to sleep, but not for very long. Later you did well with your PT. Then I ran some errands while your nanny gave you dinner. You didn't eat much, but you had some milk. I put you to bed early and you were more than ready to go to sleep. We have a new humidifier in your room. It works much better than the old one and has a greater output. It definitely makes your room more comfortable.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to the library...

Dear Nicky,

We went back to the New Prov library this morning for storytime. You were totally engrossed with the books and the music. June was a real handful, however. Fortunately, Granny was there to help. A little. Very little. You did okay with Rob the PT this morning and extremely well with Kim the OT this afternoon. In the evening after dinner you turned off the power strip for the computer area. Thanks.


Sunday, November 25, 2007


Dear Nicky,

This afternoon after Mom took you to Granny's you came home with the worst case of petechia in a long time. I wonder what's up with that. Did something make you angry? Must've been pretty bad!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mom's friend Tammy...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon Mom's oldest friend came over to visit. We all hung out for quite a while. She's very nice and down to earth and we had some laughs. You took a nice long nap, then woke and had a decent lunch. For dinner you had some yogurt. You and I had some cuddles and watched the Wiggles. Then you went to sleep quite easily.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 2007...

Dear Nicky,

It was unseasonably warm today. We began our day ny taking a nice long walk, all four of us. Then naps for you guys, then we went over to Granny's and had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Aunt Dutchie and your girl cousins came over later, but we couldn't stay long because you guys were getting tired. You had lots of fun and were extremely well behaved, cute, and personable. I ate too much and now still feel bloated.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mom snores...

Dear Nicky,

Today I am barely alive. Mom was in a snoring kind of mood last night. She kept me half awake all night, then finally woke me for good at 4:30 this morning. I've been like a zombie all day--zero energy, foul mood. Junie was awful all day. You and I did go down to Children's this morning and get your new braces. Boy, were you in a good mood, smiling, laughing the whole time. Your braces are really cool and relatively discreet. I hope they help you become a better walker. You're the best little boy I've ever known.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Really walking now...

Dear Nicky,

You still have a ways to go, but you can walk now for sure. You're stiff-legged and your balance is iffy, but you're doing it. It's only a matter of time.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Better day...

Dear Nicky,

Even though it snowed today, my mood was much better because the weather actually did something, rather than just threaten to do something, if you know what I mean. Mom's home all this week, by the way. You did well with Rob this morning and very well with Kim your OT this afternoon. Mom met her for the first time and really liked her. We also sent out your letters to local school board members, notifying them that you'll need to be evaluated for preschool soon. After mailing them out, I went and got the Honda's oil changed and tires rotated, then got a mat for inside the kitchen doorway to keep the floor dry when we come in with our wet shoes. Junie fell off the couch earlier and was quite distressed for a while afterward, but she finally calmed down. So, things just seemed better to me.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Winter blahs...

Dear Nicky,

Happily, you and June slept very well last night, but you both woke up too early. Junie was fussy all day again, while you were a gentle, quiet delight. You both got baths and then went down for naps. Upon waking, Mom took you guys to Aunt Dutchie's. I'm sure you had a great time with your cousins. I was feeling kind of down from the dreary weather outside and the aftermath of my birthday. I just get that way sometimes when it's cold and gray out. And it's not even winter yet.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

We're back...

Dear Nicky,

Mom and I are back from our little overnight trip. We had a great time at the Borgata in Atlantic City. Lots of fun, good food, etc. But we were very happy to come home to our kids, which we love more than anything in the world. We were so happy that Granny and your great aunt took good care of you. At least you didn't starve or sit in loaded diapers all day.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy birthday to me...

Dear Nicky,

So today is my birthday. To be honest, I find my birthday to be very depressing. Mom and I are going away for the night, leaving you and your sister in the hands of your Granny and her sister, your Great Aunt. I have mixed emotions about all this.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another six months...

Dear Nicky,

Today we had your six-month evaluation at Stepping Stones. Basically, you rule. I have a cold, so I'm a little out of it today, but you're doing just fine, bro.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So nice...

Dear Nicky,

Today we didn't go to daycare because you seemed under the weather and Junie was quite fractious, but it was really nice just hanging out with you. Your spirits are always up, and you're eager to laugh and play. God, I adore you.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Window boxes...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon, when we came back from Stones, where you did great by the way, I painted those window boxes at last. It was finally warm enough to do it. I hope they dry okay. I used this great black paint that flowed really nicely and had a deep, hard shine. You napped well, ate lunch decently, and worked well with your PT Rob. And you rose to stand a number of times! So far you're sleeping peacefully, which is great since you seem to have had a cold for a little while. Mom came back home from her business trip very pleased with its success. Me, I'm just pleased she's home.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Three in one day...

Dear Nicky,

Today you had PT, speech, and OT all in the same day and you did really well with all. You stood up all by yourself at one point, too! You sat at the little table and scribbled happily and with great concentration for quite a while after your last therapist left. Junie kept grabbing your paper and you kept grabbing it back. It was kind of cute for a while. You seem a little better this evening as far as your cold is concerned. I hope tomorrow is even better. If you wake up too snotty, we might not go to Stones.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Solo again...

Dear Nicky,

Mom went to Tampa for a sales conference. It's just me and you kids again. Junie fusses all day. You fuss all night. This afternoon, Mom took you guys to the park for a little playdate. You were asleep when you came home, but promptly woke up. This evening in the hopes of helping you sleep, I used some suction on your nose and dressed you in lighter pajamas, the thinking being maybe you were too hot. I als gave you some Benedryl. Tomorrow, you've got three therapists in a day. Won't that be interesting? Man, I am so tired.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Long day...

Dear Nicky,

You seem to have a little bit of a cold, which makes you sleep poorly and wake up way too early, like 4:30 in the morning early. Add to that Junie crying nonstop for most of the day and you'd be tired too. You did climb on my back a few times this evening and enjoyed some bucking bronco type fun. Very cute.


Friday, November 09, 2007


Dear Nicky,

Well, your spirits seem good and your infected finger seems all healed and maybe you had a tiny fever from your flu shot, but everything was okay today. Mom and Granny took you out earlier but brought you back because you fell asleep in the car. Then, of course, as soon as you were home you woke up. June's been insane with teething. Neither one of you is eating much. How wonderful.


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Flu shot...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a good day at Stones, and an okay day with your speech therapist, who brought along an intern or new colleague to observe. After that, I did the recycling and then we went to the docs and got you a flu shot. It was really fast, and you were brave and quickly regained your composure following your initial outrage at being stuck. Well done, old chap.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday dropoff...

Dear Nicky,

So today being Wednesday meant a couple hours of daycare. We do this, as I've stated before, for socialization rather than babysitting. You really seem to love it, and the neat thing this morning was, when I came to collect you, you were like the focus of attention. There you were, doing something while all the other kids watched, as if you were their leader. It was kind of amazing. Then you saw me and came right over with a big smile. That really felt good.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nice kid...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing majorly new, just that you're a sweet, kind, gentle, intelligent little kid. You're brave and you work hard. You're the best.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Better and better...

Dear Nicky,

You really are starting to walk better and better. Soon your little ankle braces will be in and then you'll make even further progress. June was fussy all day today. Man, I am so ready for that kid to stop screaming. You drank some V8 and ate a respectable amount of artichoke-spinach nuggets. Your finger looks great, but we must remember to bandage it before that petri dish, Stones.


Sunday, November 04, 2007


Dear Nicky,

Mom's home at last!


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Long weekend...

Dear Nicky,

Today was cold and dreary. None of us felt too well. Much fussing ensued.


Friday, November 02, 2007

Central casting...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon Granny graced us with her presence 45 minutes later than what she said. She came to watch Junie so I could take you down to Children's Specialized in Mountainside so we could have your little feet cast for a light type of brace. We ran into our pals Sean and his parents there. Small world. You didn't mind the casting one bit. I was so proud of you. When we got home, Granny had tried to feed Junie some poorly prepared junk. It makes me angry that she refuses to listen to other people's requests. Anyhoo, did I tell you Mom's away? She left yesterday and won't be back till Sunday. It's kind of quiet without her. But we're doing okay!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

The finger...

Dear Nicky,

Today we took you to the docs because you had an infection on your fingertip. He lanced it and you didn't like it. Not much else going on. Can't really concentrate because I'm not feeling so good, sorry.
