Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009...

Dear Nicky,

Snowy start this morning, many accidents in the afternoon, not much to eat, bath, bedtime, Uncle Jonny came over, then you went to bed. We watched a movie, Mom went to bed, Uncle Jonny wanted some coffee, then finally I have some peace. I hope 2010 brings progress.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Dear Nicky,

After providing me with a sleepless night, you and your sister had a date with the Camden Aquarium this morning. We left first thing, no coffee or breakfast for me. It was a two-hour drive and we ended up just across the river from Philadelphia. We thought about going over there for a cheesesteak but passed on the idea. The aquarium is nice setup, a bit of a boondoggle, on the very edge of the tragically rundown city of Camden, a city voted one of the most dangerous in the country. And we drove our kids into it! You both really liked it, but it was insanely crowded with thoughtless people pushing there overgrown children around in a morass of baby strollers. We saw lots of fish, penguins, seals, hippos, and sharks. We managed to choke down a few bites of expensive and flavorless food, then we split, overwhelmed by the crushing crowds. We spent a decent amount of time there, but two-thirds of our time was spent getting there and back. Once home, we chilled for a bit, then Mom took you to Granny's house where you guys played with your girl cousins. When you came back, you guys were passed out and we toted your inert forms up the stairs and put you to bed. And stay there tonight, okay?


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Santa Fe...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I took you and Junie to her preschool. Mom came and got you later. Everybody said you did well and had a good time. You took a nice long nap this afternoon and ate your dinner well. Robin the sitter came over tonight and Mom and I went to dinner and a movie. I had a really nice steak; the movie was pretty boring.


Monday, December 28, 2009

New drawer...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to Rocketship Camp. Junie had a freak out and cost us some time, but you took to it happily. Afterward you had a great lunch while Mom and June went to the mall and then to a playdate. While they were gone you helped me put together a set of dresser drawers for June's room. Actually you kept me company while I did the work. Then I made you a nice steak dinner that you pounded. When you were done we watched Aladdin then went to bed. You had no nap today and slept poorly last night, so you were really tired.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

The kindness of strangers...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom was subbing for some Sunday School teachers and brought you and June to church for the children's activity hour. Her partner this morning was a lady that Mom didn't think much of when she first met her, but her opinion changed drastically today. The lady was extraordinarily kind and gentle and loving to you and helped you participate in the classroom activities. When I hear stories of strangers being so nice to you it makes me want to cry with gratitude. But I guess it's your gentle nature and sweet spirit that inspires people to be that way toward you.


Boxing Day 2009...

Dear Nicky,

It hardly seems like it's only the day after Christmas today. I barely got the garbage out to the curb in time this morning. Today you had a number of bathroom accidents. You ate a really nice lunch, then we all went to a Disney movie in the afternoon. You seemed to really like it and you behaved beautifully. You ate a reasonable dinner and went to bed without much trouble.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009...

Dear Nicky,

What a long day. You and your sister woke up and went into present opening mode almost immediately. I think we all made out pretty well. Then we went to Aunt Duchie's in Pennslyvania for the day. You hardly ate a thing. Then we came back and drove Uncle Matt to the train station, fed you some banana, and put you to bed. Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009...

Dear Nicky,

The countdown has begun. Santa is on his way. This morning Laurie came over for a while and Mom and I went and got some lunch. You guys made a snowman. We went to a special kid service at church. Then back home, with Uncle Jonny paying us a visit later. We had lasagne for dinner. Then we put you to bed and I finished wrapping some presents.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On break...

Dear Nicky,

Today was your last Stones till the New Year. Mom took June to the gym and the docs' office; she has an infection on her finger. I ran some errands, had an appointment, etc. We had some laughs on the couch. We had pizza for dinner. Then Mom put you to bed.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lengthy afternoon...

Dear Nicky,

Mornings are hard. I ran around a lot today. June took no nap. You came home and refused to go on the potty. I made steak for dinner, which you loved. Gave you a bath and put you straight to bed.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Easy to bed...

Dear Nicky,

Mornings are very tough with you, without question. But this evening you were pretty good. You ate okay, then went to bed without much fuss. I got all my new gadgets connected this afternoon. It's cool to have some new toys once in a while.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow day...

Dear Nicky,

We got a ton of snow last night, 12 inches at least. I went out early this morning and ran the snow blower and did the driveway and shoveled off the deck and the front steps. It was a lot of work. A little later Mom brought you guys outside for a while. You played around and had some fun. Later we had Spaghetti-Os for lunch. You ate a ton of food, including some cheez doodles, a PB&J, and some Muscle Milk. The afternoon dragged on a little bit and you and June got a little stir crazy. Finally after another viewing of Wall-E it was time to go to bed.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not so super Saturday...

Dear Nicky,

As you know, now and again we take a Saturday morning trip to Stones for some activities consisting of movement and exercise type of things. Usually you're one of the more active kids, attentive, and happy. Today you were grumpy and uncooperative to say the least. Kind of embarrassing, actually. When we got home, Mom dropped off June and me and then took you for a haircut. It started to snow this afternoon and is still continuing to do so. We hung out and watched some TV, then went to bed with much drama thanks to both you kids. June freaked out because she was overly tired, and you knocked down one of the electric Christmas candles in your room and Mom got angry. That was a shame because she and I had both almost made it through the day without yelling at you kids. But we didn't make it.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Junie's busy day...

Dear Nicky,

This morning while you were at school we went and saw a little holiday performance at June's school. Then there was a small party, then we came home, made some cupcakes and went to lunch. Then later I went to the eye doctor. When I came home you were here and it was time for June to go to another holiday activity. Mom took her and I put you on the potty a number of times, ultimately with another huge success. Shortly thereafter we went to Junie's activity which was very cute. We came home, had some yogurt and a bath, and went to bed


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stones Xmas party...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a Christmas party at your school. It was nice but it felt rushed. Santa came, gifts were given, pictures taken, boom party over. No more music, Santa splits, bunch of people hanging out. Intent was nice, however.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nice afternoon...

Dear Nicky,

Today we were successful on the potty three times, including a #2. Mom spoiled our record when she put you on the bowl and didn't tell you to touch your toes.

You and I hung out while Junie napped. You are a cuddlebug. Later I gave you a bath and the last of your meds for your ear. Hopefully that's all cleared up now. Mom put you guys to bed.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Dear Nicky,

This evening we went down to this facility in Plainfield where the ARC of Union had a little dinner/Christmas party. It was pretty nice. You refused to eat anything. There was a woman who called herself a "storyteller" who rambled on inscrutably for way too long. There was some dessert Nazis on patrol, who put out treats and told you couldn't have them. Santa came, as did Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Strange.


Monday, December 14, 2009

No stew...

Dear Nicky,

You made a nice pee when you came home this afternoon--all over the floor. You made a mess with your toys, but to your credit, you cleaned up everything beautifully when I asked you. I made you some stew, which you didn't touch. So I made you a PB&J. That you ate well. We watched Wall-E and then you went to bed easily.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gloomy day...

Dear Nicky,

This was a long, stressful day and I yelled at you guys too much, and I yelled at Mom too, and it made me feel sick. I want to be a good father and husband, but my flaws run deep. But I try, I really think I try. And I'll try to be better.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Late night party...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you went to Rocket Ship Camp, then the store. When you came back you had some lunch and helped Mom make some cupcakes. While you were out I took all the broken down cribs and put them under the deck. After your nap we hung out then had some dinner. Then Mom and I went to a neighborhood party while you were babysat. She was nice in that she brought you guys some Christmas presents. I'm up really late because I ate a bunch of chocolate cupcakes.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Trails...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon was your hippotherapy again. Man, you sure love that little horse named Jesse James. You rode with a big smile on your face the whole time. All the other riders and their various therapists and attendants thought your laughter was contagious. When the riding part was done, you fed your horse two carrots. You love horses all right.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

You get another bath...

Dear Nicky,

The antibiotic that is clearing up your ear is also making your number 2s really nasty. This evening you needed another bath because you, I hate to say it, smelled. You were brave in the tub this time around, and brave when I put more drops in your ear. So, thanks.


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

At sea...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I received a call from Stones that distressed me significantly for a while. After two hours since you'd been picked up this morning you still hadn't made it to school. I had the secretary who called immediately go to your class and make sure you weren't there. Sure enough you weren't. I hang up and call your driver, who answers and tells me you're stuck in traffic, that there was an accident somewhere ahead, and that traffic was nightmarish. A lot of your colleagues were delayed as well. I sure didn't like that feeling. But you seemed none the worse for wear. This evening you had a nice dinner, a nice bath, and your ear is looking like it's finally clearing up at last. This evening when I put the drops in your ear, you protested but not as badly as before, displaying your bravery and depth of character, and your trust in your father, which honors me.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The struggle...

Dear Nicky,

Because your ear is still goopy, I have to wrestle you into position morning and night in order to get some medicine in there. It upsets you terribly and makes me want to cry but I'm afraid we have to do it. I'm sorry.


Monday, December 07, 2009

Dizzy and loopy...

Dear Nicky,

We'll talk about today tomorrow, okay? Just took some NyQuil.


Sunday, December 06, 2009

Slow news day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a slow day because Mom and I still felt wiped out from yesterday, so not much went on. The only thing of any concern is that your ear is still leaking lots of goo even though you've been on antibiotics over a week. I think we may be going to the docs tomorrow afternoon.


Saturday, December 05, 2009


Dear Nicky,

This afternoon we were descended upon by a bunch of people that used to work with Mom, and they brought their kids. After they all left--really late, by the way--the house was a disaster, a big dirty mess. We put you guys to bed, then Mom and I spent a lot of time cleaning up. Never has anyone made such a mess in our house.


Friday, December 04, 2009


Dear Nicky,

You're a lot of work. I mean a lot of work. But you're cute and cuddly and loving and gentle and it makes me feel good to be with you (most of the time).


Thursday, December 03, 2009

Not a bad evening...

Dear Nicky,

You came home form Stones early today and I put you to bed. Then I went and got a tire replaced on the Toyota, which took up most of the afternoon. After a quick trip to Walmart and then Dunkin Donuts, I came home and made you a nice steak dinner, which you demolished. We watched a little Wall-E, then had a nice bath. You were happy to go to bed, a sweet delight.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

So-so Wednesday...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we got you ready for school with much fussing on your part, but you were in a good mood when you got home, and you and I had lots of cuddling while Junie napped. She was tired from a long walk we took through the Great Swamp. You ate a pretty good dinner, then Mom came home and put you to bed.


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Too sleepy tonight...

Dear Nicky,

You gorged on some chicken nuggets tonight. I'm beat right now. Good night.
