Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lame-ish Halloween...

Dear Nicky,

Happy Halloween! You were Batman, June was a princess, Mom was a cat, and I was Darth Vader. However, not many people were around this year. Last year, we had to make two trips to the market to get extra candy. This year we have a ton left over. You ate pretty well today, so you seem fine. I, on the other hand, now believe I have the bug you had this weekend. So thanks a lot, pal!


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gotta get more fiber in ya...

Dear Nicky,

Well, you seem to have knocked that fever out but good, so we're happy about that. But Junie had a fever tonight, unfortunately. Anyhoo, Mom felt like taking you to Stones today, so I ran some errands while she did that and got a cup of coffee. You took a nice nap and ate an okay lunch. You did well with Rob your PT and later ate a little PB&J sandwich. The thing is I hope you're not constipated, because you're definitely not getting enough fiber, so we have to figure something out to help you eat more of it.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Mondays are hard...

Dear Nicky,

You did well with your PT Rob this morning. Afterward, I thought you might want a nap, but it was so nice out, that I thought we might drive to a park or something, so I got you guys ready and off we went. Next thing I know, you're asleep in your carseat, so I just drive around for a while, thinking to get you deeper into your sleep. Shortly thereafter we come home. I put Junie up and she's out like a light. I take you up, and you wake up. I try to soothe you, calm you, but you do your grinding whine thing you do. So basically no nap for you today, which made you less than cooperative with Kim your OT. You didn't eat any lunch, but you ate an okay dinner, which you made an unholy mess out of. Yes, my boy, you and June were quite charming today.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Excellent Sunday...

Dear Nicky,

So your fever broke and you were feeling better and you ate a whole thing of Annie's Pasta for lunch. It would be the only thing you ate, but you did it well, and it was quite nutritious. I straightened up the garage, spray-foamed underneath the family room, cleaned the deck, and mowed the lawn. Afterward, we went to Home Depot, Target, and Borders, then went to a nearby park to see our friends from Stones, Ellen and Grace. You and Grace played for a while, then Junie made a huge poop in her diaper and we had to leave. Tonight we broke out the warm sleeper for you, and I think it's just in time. The cold weather is really here at last. But if all weekends are as nice as this one, who cares?


Saturday, October 27, 2007

A great day...

Dear Nicky,

Well, as you know, you didn't sleep very well last night. Turns out you had a fever. Your spirits have been fine all day, though. You always just have the best personality. And your reading and signs are really impressive. You actually recognize your own name. And even though you're not feeling well, and Junie was her usual fractious self, it was just a nice, happy day. Not sure why, but I'll take it.


Let's see what the day brings...

Dear Nicky,

It's 4:30 in the morning. You haven't slept well, I'm afraid. Since about nine last, you've been fitful, stuffy, and uncomfortable. I think you might be getting a cold and you might be very constipated. Around eleven or so, I tried to comfort you because you were crying and groaning in your sleep. You calmed down after a while, but a half hour ago you woke up grunting and straining again. I can't go back to sleep yet, so I thought I'd write today's note now. For your breakfast I think you'll be having a yogurt with some fish oil. We've got to improve your diet, and frankly we would appreciate some cooperation. Thanks, pal!


Friday, October 26, 2007

Great haircut...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon I took you for a haircut. It'd been a while, and you needed it. While you've never loved getting your hair cut, this time your behavior was exemplary. You were so brave and good it made me proud. Everyone was commenting on how good you were and how nice you looked with your hair cut. When we got home we listened to music for a while, then watched some Wiggles and went to bed.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Waste of time...

Dear Nicky,

This evening I went to this little seminar about feeding kids. It was boring. I was late. I was uncomfortable. It took me a while to relax. It didn't tell me anything new or helpful. I missed CSI. The good thing is that CSI was a repeat.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Long and rainy day...

Dear Nicky,

The title says it all. Wiped out.


Monday, October 22, 2007

A hard day...

Dear Nicky,

Both you and June seemed fussy and listless today. You didn't eat very much or nap much, or at all. You didn't get your usual bedtime serenade because I had to tend to Junie, who became hysterical as I was putting you to bed. Oh you kids.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall cleanup...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I took you guys to the farmers' market in Summit so Mom could get some work done. Later today there was some more yardwork, and also a throwing out of bulk trash. I did all this while Mom took you guys to Granny's for Uncle Jon's birthday. There, you apparently ate a lot of good food. Which is a good thing to do.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

More yard work...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I spread 33 bags of mulch around the house and yard, mowed the lawn, dethatched the lawn, then mowed up the thatch. It took me all day long. But it was a nice day, the work needed to be done, and now everything looks much nicer. Doing it myself saved us a bunch of money, too, since every kind of service professional in the suburbs wants to charge you an arm and a leg. While I was working on the yard, Mom took you guys to three different parks, Borders, and Target. Later I grilled some wursts. One kind was tender and tasty, the other kind of dry and tough. Yep, we got a lot of stuff done.


Friday, October 19, 2007


Dear Nicky,

This morning I got some hash browns and you ate some, then it rained for most of the day off and on. Nothing exciting.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fantastic evaluation...

Dear Nicky,

Well, the stars were certainly aligned properly today for you. It was the semi-annual Stones evaluation day, where you and me and Mom all met individually with your therapists and to discuss where you're at. You did great, just fantastic! You were sunny and cooperative and you displayed your skills and abilities brilliantly. Everybody was thoroughly impressed. You even did something new during your PT eval, in which you climbed in and out of this large plastic wheel type of thing with excellent motor planning. Everybody had nothing but positive things to say about you. We're so proud of you, my boy!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nice report...

Dear Nicky,

Today we went to our old friend Doc Slushie. It's been over a year since we last saw him. It was kinda of a hike, but we made good time and had like zero wait. The exam lasted five minutes, if that. He's very happy with everything down there, and he saw no hernia. Most likely he said it was the way your how-do-you dos retract sometime. The drive back was fine, too. Granny watched June while we were gone, which I suppose is a little better than leaving her completely alone. Trips like this wipe you out, so you were quite ready for sleep this evening. Sweet dreams, my sweet and gentle boy.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fixed it...

Dear Nicky,

This is evaluation week at Stones, so you weren't scheduled for today and had the day off. I used this free time to go to a plumbing supply place to see if I could find some way to repair the front water spigot. I got a couple parts, turns out they didn't work. Went and got some coffee and a couple donuts, then did some grocery shopping, messed around with the spigot some more, then went to the store again, and another hardware store. This old guy tells me how to replace the packing in the valve stem to stop it leaking from there. Sure enough that works. Still no success, with the hose outlet however. I go to Home Depot and finally buy a number of things to try. I try them all and a new assembly of the existing design is what does the trick. You did great with Rob the PT this afternoon, taking a number of quality steps, standing for prolonged times, and falling forward but then regaining your standing position. My darling boy, you can't imagine how happy we'll all be when you walk at long last!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Nice standing...

Dear Nicky,

You really like storytime at the library. Today was a Halloween theme, with music and spooky books. You and June had a lot of fun. At home you guys went for your nap and slept for a while, but your new OT showed up almost a half hour early, which screwed up your waking process. From that point till about 4:30, your mood was shot. I just put you back in bed, which helped. You had no breakfast, no lunch, but you ate okay for dinner and drank an extra milk. I hope it's just your teeth. You seem quite fine otherwise and are standing up more and more for longer periods.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Home improvement...?

Dear Nicky,

Today I tried to do some stuff around the house. I think I succeeded in insulating the attic door reasonably well. We shall see. I got my hopes raised when I was able to remove that old valve from the front hosebib, but then I was disappointed because that kind of valve is old and hard to find. I did prime the other flower box, and maybe this week sometime I'll be able to paint it. We all went and got Halloween costumes, and returned some plastic pumpkins, and got some groceries. Then we went looking for some park with a castle in it, but it was torn down. You ate almost a whole container of Annie's stars this afternoon, but not much else. Your last two teeth, your eyeteeth are coming in, and they're the most painful. I'll be glad when this teething's over.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

More running around...

Dear Nicky,

Just did a bunch of shopping this afternoon. Mom took you guys to Hoboken. You had funn. I'm worn out. Later, dude.


Friday, October 12, 2007


Dear Nicky,

You like to count, and the amount of numbers you know keeps increasing, just like your signs. Today we went to Whole Foods and the Great Swamp. I much prefer the swamp. The people that go to this Whole Foods strike me as being really self-involved. Later you had dinner and went to bed after some Wiggles DVD. Nothing major today, but it was pretty nice and quiet.


Thursday, October 11, 2007


Dear Nicky,

So this morning at Stones, after your therapies were done and they walked you back to me, I had you on my lap while I chatted with one of your PTs for a minute. All of a sudden you turned bright red like a tomato. Everyone asked if you were okay. I was kind of scared for a minute, but you went back to normal and seemed fine. I think you might have been experimenting with holding your breath or you were trying to pass gas or otherwise straining or something. I remembered Dr. Solo telling us red in the face is fine, nothing to be worried about when there's no other stuff going on; it's blue in the face that they worry about. Even so, don't do it again, okay?


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Running around...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to daycare. Lately it's a bit of a chore to wrangle you and your sister in order to get you ready to go out. Turning my attention to one of you means the other one's going to wander off somewhere, usually upstairs, and I have to follow. I did a lot of chasing and toting today. But I managed somehow and we got to daycare. Junie started crying the minute we got there, and, as far as I could, she cried the entire time she was there. You seem to like it, ambling off to play with the toys and interact with the other kids. When we got home you two took a nice long nap. I moved you to our bed about a third of the way through, where you always sleep remarkably soundly. I wonder if it's because the mattress is more comfortable, or the smell of the linens is so comforting. You didn't eat much for lunch. Later we went on a drive because the weather turned nice. Dinner wasn't very successful either. Then some Wiggles, then to bed.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Dear Nicky,

Mom said you seemed really tired after Stones this morning. I hope you're not coming down with something. You took a brief nap this afternoon, then you seemed quite chipper the rest of the day. You're starting to stand better and take a few steps completely on your own. I wish you could get more rest, but you're not much of a napper. We'll see what the weather is like tomorrow and then decide if we go to daycare. Maybe it'll be nice and rainy all day, which is so good for napping.


Monday, October 08, 2007

Nice day...

Dear Nicky,

Everything went very nicely today. You did well with your PT, although the overall session was mostly talking. Then we went to storytime at the library were you participated quite actively while Junie stumbled about and tried to crawl into strangers' laps. Granny surprised us in the parking lot and was able to wrangle her for the most part. Afterward I got drivethrough at BK's and you had some fires, which you really seemed to love. Then it was nap time. Then your new OT Kim showed up. She seemed really nice and knowledgeable. Such a pleasant change from the last one and her smugness. We went out on the swings for a while. Then Wiggles, dinner, and bed. Apart from you constantly wanting to turn off the power strip under the desk all the time, it was a really, really nice day.


Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sunday chores...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon Mom took you and June out to Granny's for a few hours. There you went to Target and got some stuff and had a nice big dinner. While that was going on I fixed the house numbers on the front, installed two new window well covers, sort of fixed the black lamp outside that the dry cleaner guy messed up from hanging clothes there, and primed one of the flower window boxes. When you guys came home you had some milk and watched some Wiggles then we put you to bed. Not bad.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Nice cuddle...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I woke up and was just in a foul mood. Then, during your morning nap, you did your usual partial wake-up thing and I took you into our bed, where you slept soundly on top of my arm, pinning me for over an hour. Your right arm was across my throat the whole time. I read my book while you slept. And afterward, I was in a much better mood all day, so thanks!


Friday, October 05, 2007

A nap-free day...

Dear Nicky,

Because you were so tired yesterday, you slept later than usual this morning, so you skipped your morning nap. In the afternoon, Mom took you guys to Whole Foods, but it was all in vain because you fell asleep in the car, so she just turned around and came home, where you promptly woke. Overall, though, both you and June we're really quite good and cute today. We watched a new Wiggles DVD, but it simply wasn't in the same league as Racing to the Rainbow. At bedtime, you were out like a light.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dr. Cheng...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning we left for Stones a little early because the cleaning people showed up sooner than usual. In the Stones parking lot, some cars were parked haphazardly. Once inside we had to wait a little for your handlers to come get you. This allowed us to witness some of the more hard-up cases receive their therapy. It was kind of sad to watch. One kid seemed to have a bad cold and kept snotting all over his equipment. Another cried piteously, then gracefully mounted a trampoline and jumped around quite coordinatedly. Then they came and got you and the parents' started their session. It was somewhat freestyle since the moderator wasn't around today. Afterward they brought you out and told me how well you did. Then we left and you fell asleep in the car and I toted you upstairs to bed, where you slept for about an hour. I had to then wake you and take you to Children's Specialized for an exam with a new doc named Cheng, a pleasant and helpful young guy. He was reassuring, saying that he saw nothing unexpected as far as your overall condition and that he doesn't need to see you again till six months from now. By that time he feels confident you'll be walking. He gave us a prescription for some orthotics, which he said couldn't hurt and might help you start walking full-time a little faster. Then we came home and you ate a late lunch, then some Wiggles and it was bedtime.


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Nothing major...

Dear Nicky,

Not much went on today. You guys went to daycare, took naps, went for a walk, ate so-so, watched theWiggles, went to bed. Tomorrow is more Stones and a trip to Children's Specialized Hospital for a basic checkup.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Turned a corner...

Dear Nicky,

Well, my friend, looks like the dam has finally burst and you're taking some real steps on your own. Mom told me about it yesterday while I was still in New Hampshire after escorting them up there. Today I saw it with my own eyes. A number of times today you took several steps, maintained your balance, and controlled your descent to the floor. The time has finally come. I guess you were just practicing in secret or unwilling to do it unless you could do it perfectly. I am just so happy this day has come at last. With your phenomenal learning curve you'll soon be doing it flawlessly.


Monday, October 01, 2007

Home again...

Dear Nicky,

Well, pal, here I am again back home. This morning I was still in New Hampshire with Yiayia and Papou. Around midmorning I left, wrestling the traffic and the idiotic drivers they have in Connecticut, to make my home to my little family. I missed you a lot in the short space I was away. I think Yiayia's definitely improved, though she'd rather die than agree with that. I called Mom from the road. She told me you loved the storytime at the library, but more importantly, you walked ten steps--and counted as you did it!! Rob the PT was so happy. Were all glad and proud that you finally made this breakthrough, although I have a feeling that it was your perfectionism that delayed your walking more than anything else. Guess you finally felt the time was right!
