Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trees and cards...

Dear Nicky,

What a busy day it was. We went to Wegman's early and stocked up for the week, then we set up the Christmas tree, and ordered our custom Christmas cards. Then you guys went to Granny's and I went to the gym and straightened up a pile of books that had been sitting by the TV. It doesn't sound like a lot but it was. Also, I smacked you on the hand when I caught you playing with a juice box and getting it all over the table, and for that I'm truly sorry.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Up and down the hill...

Dear Nicky,

You guys had no Music Together today, so we went down the hill to Target and Home Depot, then up the hill to Halls, then later back down to Home Depot and Target, then later to Barnes and Noble, then I went back to Target and Home Depot. For dinner you had steak and fries, not a single carrot, and some banana.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Santa, and some animals...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning Mom took Granny for an endoscopy and I started off your day. It was pretty good. Then I took you and June to the gym day care while I worked out. It was a good workout and you guys seemed to enjoy it. The ladies that work there raved about both of you. Then you guys took a nap, and so did I. Upon waking I had heartburn the whole rest of the day. After dinner we went out and saw some animals at the church, then walked across the street to see Santa Claus on a big fire truck. It was cold and dark out but I think you really enjoyed it. We came home and you guys had a bath while I reported my MasterCard as lost, which sucked. I think I left it at the drugstore the other day. I'd been waiting in line for 20 minutes and was really impatient and was probably careless about retrieving it after paying for something. The lesson here for me is obvious: never lose your cool.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a cold and dreary day. In the morning we went out for a while to the park, but it was too raw to stay for long. We came home for lunch and naps, then went to Granny's for Thanksgiving. It was okay, quiet, kinda boring. Your cousins came over later, and that was nice. Also nice was how affectionate you were with me. I liked that a lot. Then we came home, had some milk, gave you the last of your antibiotics (thank heaven) and called it a night. You guys were tired and went to bed very easily.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Home early...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you guys were let out early for the Thanksgiving holiday, and since you didn't nap at school, you were out cold when you got home. I put you to bed and you slept a good two hours. Then I ran some errands while Mom gave you dinner. I came home in time to torment you with more antibiotic, then put you to sleep.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Antibiotics are torture...

Dear Nicky,

I hate giving them to you, but your sinuses get so infected so often. You're great when you're on them during the cold and flu season, and miserable when you get a cold and it turns into a sinus infection. You hate taking them, and i don't enjoy doing it, but you've got to take them now and then, though it breaks my heart.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Your transport needs stuff...

Dear Nicky,

The other day we got this message from Stones saying they did a surprise inspection type of thing on your daily transport and they found it wanting. They said they need things like a first aid kit etc. It's disquieting but not a full blown thing yet. Once I have all the details processed I will fix it. This afternoon we went to the bank and made a deposit, then came home and had a nice bath, then we ate dinner and went to sleep.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm back...

Dear Nicky,

So I'm finally home again. This morning I said my goodbyes to my folks and made the long drive back. It wasn't so bad, just boring. Then I got stuck for a good 45 minutes on the Tappan Zee bridge. I got home around five, and you guys were out at Granny's so I was able to unload the car and get everything downstairs with no trouble. My back hurts a little, but I'm just happy to be back home with my little family again.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy with the folks...

Dear Nicky,

I'm still in New Hampshire but will be leaving tomorrow. Today I spent the entire day at my parents' place sorting through old comic books, books, and stuff like that. I boxed up all the stuff I wanted, and we tied up and threw out all the old stuff I didn't want, which was mostly 20- and 30-year old copies of Rolling Stone and National Geographic. I saved a couple of books from my childhood that I think you kids might enjoy when you're a little older, along with a box of Tinkertoys. This stuff is mostly for their intrinsic sentimental value more than anything else. I hope Mom doesn't get too mad at me when I bring them all home. I miss you guys a lot and can't wait to see you.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Do you miss me...?

Dear Nicky,

I drove up to New Hampshire today. It was stressful for many reasons. I'm here to collect my old books and comics from when I was a kid. My parents have been nagging me for the longest time, and so now here I am. Frankly, I hope I have enough room in my car. The drive was long and boring and it's very cold up here. It's nice to see my folks again, even though they can be a pain in the butt. Anyway, I miss you, and I'd like to think you miss me too. I'll be back soon enough.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dr. Solo...

Dear Nicky,

Mom took you to Dr. Solo this afternoon, who said you look great and wants to see you in nine months. The drive there and back was uneventful, which was fortunate considering another route we usually take was really messed by a tanker truck bursting into flames. Crazy! I paid a lot of bills, and went to a doc's appointment, the got a cup of coffee and some donuts. I finally finished this book I was reading. Tomorrow I go to New Hampshire for the weekend to get some books and stuff. I'll miss you.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pretty fast...

Dear Nicky,

This evening we played some flash cards for a while, and you did really well. As long as you were into the game, you'd give me a color if I asked for it, a shape, or whatever. You did great. But you'd get bored fast, so I was always inventing a new game. Afterward we listened to some music, then went to bed. You're a smart and spirited little guy.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Dear Nicky,

It's a bummer when it get really cold and dark early in the day. It makes me feel tired and afraid and irritable, and I worry that I'm not doing enough with you guys. But who wants to run around in the cold and dark? Tomorrow I should feel better, I hope. I just need lots of sleep these days. Sometimes everything is a struggle.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Rough one...

Dear Nicky,

I was weak today, son. I was impatient with your sister all day. It just felt like she wouldn't stop talking. At the end of the day when it was time for bed, she went into a frenzy. I yelled at her and I feel very bad. I fail my children when I lose my temper with them.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, to me...!

Dear Nicky,

Hi pal, thank you for wishing me a happy birthday this morning! Today I can honestly say was one of the nicest birthdays I've ever had. On Friday I went into the city, but couldn't work it so I could get myself a nice meal. On Saturday Mom and I went to the movies then out to dinner, which was nice. Today, I got a nice card from you guys and Mom, and a really nice present--a beautiful Armani blazer, the real deal, too, not the lower end label. So nice! And a nice Armani T-shirt. Then I went to the gym for a while, came back, had some lunch, said hello to Yia-yia and Papou, took a nap, Mom made a nice dinner, which you ate well, Grandpop and Uncle Jonny came over, we had some cake, you guys had a bath, we put you to bed, I watched two of my favorite shows, and now I'm going to bed. This was an excellent day, and you played a big part in it, because you are an excellent boy.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yesterday, and today...

Dear Nicky,

Yesterday I went into the City. It was nice, but the weather was lousy, and my timing was off, and I didn't get to do all I wanted. Today Mom took me to a movie and dinner, which was very nice. Tomorrow is my birthday, so let me sleep late and be a good boy, okay?


Friday, November 14, 2008

Daddy's day in the City...

Dear Nicky,

Went into the City today. Walked a lot. Very tired now. Will provide details tomorrow.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back on the meds...

Dear Nicky,

You had an awful night last night. Your sinuses were totally congested and on top of that, you had the croup. The croup! Man, that is the worst. You were up all night. I can only imagine what it feels like for you, but if you're a parent and you hear your kid with a barking cough like that, making such an effort to draw a breath, well, that stuff just freezes your blood. So this morning we hustled over to the docs, got some more antibiotic, got some oral steroid (the most effective thing for croup), and got that stuff in you stat. If you're okay tonight, we won't do any tomorrow. If you're still barking and wheezing, you get one more dose.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More suction...

Dear Nicky,

You slept late this morning. I had to take a piece of toast from your hand to get you ready to go to school. You're always so happy to see me when you get home. It's a thrill for me. It was an uneventful afternoon, except that you're speaking more and more clearly, which is great. I had to suction your nose again this evening. It makes you freak out and it breaks my heart, but afterward you're so brave and quick to forgive, it just kills me. We watched the Wiggles together for a while afterward, then Mom came home in time to put you to bed.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nasal invasion...

Dear Nicky,

This evening before your bath, you were so stuffy and snotty I had to pin you down on the floor and literally grapple with you in order to stick a bulb syringe up your nose to suck out some of that goop that tends to accumulate in your right sinus. You hated it. It was like I was branding you with a hot poker. I hated doing it too. It gave you petechia, you cried so hard. But I also got out like a tablespoon of snot out of your nose, and you've been comfortable and happy since. Sorry to make you cry, son. I don't do it for fun, but we both feel better afterward.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday is okay...

Dear Nicky,

Productive day for me today. Went to the gym, went to the store, folded laundry, made Mom's dinner, made your dinner, had my own lunch. It's important to take care of yourself. You came home in a great mood, ate well, not too much snot, went to bed easy, and sleeping well so far. Don't wake up too early!


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Granny wrecked it...

Dear Nicky,

Everything's been really nice the last few days, all things considered. I've been in a pretty good mood, as have you all, even though your nose, man, just keeps running. This morning I was actually kind of looking forward to going to church with you guys and seeing the contemporary service. But Granny should up with Aunt Za and Cousin Noah, who is, quite frankly, high maintenance, and they were like, "It's too loud, let's go to the traditional service!" So we did, and it was just meh. Afterward we went to BJs and Target, and you fell asleep on the way home. I put you up, then later Mom took you guys out to Granny's after your naps. I cleaned the gutters on the garage, cleaned the leaves from the back yard, blew off the deck, went to Borders, then got some groceries. I returned home five minutes before you guys. Mom then gave you a bath, and we put you to bed shortly thereafter. Mom's stomach's been bothering her, because she's pregnant. I think I may have mentioned this. If I haven't, well, ta-da!


Saturday, November 08, 2008


Dear Nicky,

This was a long day for you, because this morning Mom took you kids out of the house around 8:30 so you'd be out of the way when these attic insulation guys came to do the attic over the old part of the house. Mom took you to Granny's house to see Aunt Za and Cousin Noah and you guys also went to Target and to the King of Morocco's house to throw rocks in the stream. You guys had a nice morning. The attic guys finished up around 11:30 or so. I called Mom to tell her you guys could come back for a nap if she wanted. For whatever reason she did not, and you guys did not nap all day, nor eat very much, and consequently came home exhausted. But we put you right to bed, in your room which should be much more comfortable now. Also, we got our family photo back, and it looks fantastic.


Friday, November 07, 2008

IOU a post, Friday Nov. 7, 2008

Dear Nicky,

Sorry pal, I owe you one. I'll catch you up tomorrow.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Wrong side of the bed...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I think we all woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was cranky, Junie was fussy most of the day, Mom was cranky this evening, and you too, my friend, had a major meltdown when I announced it was time for bed. It's okay, people have feelings and every day is not going to be perfect. That doesn't mean any of us is a bad person. In fact, we're a great little family.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Good report...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon Mom went straight to Stones after work for a parent-teacher conference. She left the city early. I stayed home because June was napping and I had to wait to receive you from your drivers. Anyway, while you both napped, Mom got the skinny from your teachers and therapists regarding your development at Stones, the gist of which is that you're doing very well, that your cognitive abilities are quite advanced, and your physical abilities, while lagging, are coming along. They want us to start putting you on the potty at home, too. This should be interesting.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

No nap...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you came home asleep again, but as soon as I put you up, the lawn guys came and made a terrific racket for about an hour. It woke you and June and left you guys a little punchy for the rest of the day. We played some cards, then I turned on Blue's Clues in order to distract you enough to be able to make dinner. You ate pretty well. Soon it was time for bed. I gave you some Triaminic for your congestion. You were really tired.


Monday, November 03, 2008

Early dismissal...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you came home early because they're doing parent-teacher conferences at Stones for the next couple days. You were sound asleep when your drivers brought you home. I put you up and you took a nice long nap. In the afternoon I assembled your train tracks and played Thomas the Train with you till Junie woke up. Then we all played a card game I made up where you identify the shape or the color. You both did great. You ate some dinner, then I gave you guys a bath, then to bed.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Mom's a new member...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I went with Mom to church and we brought you guys to daycare/Sunday School.  At the end of the service Mom was inducted as an official member of the church.  Nice bunch of folks.  After the services it was quite hectic and crowded as people moved about.  We came home and put you guys to bed for an early nap because we set the clocks back last night.  When you woke, Mom took you to Granny's, where you ate some beef stew and tomatoes.  When I put you to bed tonight you were out literally before your head touched the mattress.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Great photos...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I uploaded a bunch of pictures I took yesterday.  I got some really good ones of you.  This afternoon we all four went to a place downtown and got a family portrait done.  You kids were so well behaved  I couldn't get over it.  The photographer really knew what he was doing and got you guys to laugh and smile.  I think we got a really good one, and we're going to put it on our Christmas cards this year.  Everyone looked really good.  Today was a very happy day.
