Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009...

Dear Nicky,

It was a rainy Halloween this year, but I think you still had fun. Mom took you around while I manned the front door at our house. You were a cop and June was the little mermaid Ariel. It was nice but brief as it quickly started to rain. You guys came home, we watched some movies, Uncle Jonny came over and we had pizza (again), you had a bath, and I put you to bed.


Friday, October 30, 2009


Dear Nicky,

This morning we sent you back to Stones, then took Junie to her Halloween thing at her school (not Santa Fe). It was really lame. Later we came to your school to see your parade. It was definitely better. Then June and I went home while Mom took you to the docs for your runny nose. It's another antibiotic for you. Later went to this hippotherapy place to sign you up for some horse riding. I think you'll like it. We came home and had a pizza, then went to bed.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

The gym...

Dear Nicky,

Because Stones requested that you be kept home today due to your runny nose (although I personally didn't see hardly any), you and I went down to the gym after we dropped Junie off at Santa Fe. Afterward, we picked her up and had some lunch, then your nanny came over and I had five hours to myself. When I came home I made you some chicken nuggets, then gave you both a bath and put you to bed. This evening you seem to be sleeping very peacefully.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sick kids...

Dear Nicky,

We kept Junie home and took her to the doctor today. Sinusitis. As she and I were hanging out we get a call from your school nurse to come get you due to excessive snot. It rained all day. You guys napped for a while, then I made you another steak dinner. You guys were hyper and demanding and I was glad to put you to bed.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Support group...

Dear Nicky,

Not much going on. Went to this support group at Childrens. Not bad, nothing to write home about. Nice people, were all in the same boat. Kinda tired right now, going to bed.


Monday, October 26, 2009

The week begins...

Dear Nicky,

Last night you slept poorly but went off okay. This afternoon you and I had some laughs, then you really pounded your dinner. You went to bed easy, but are now fussing somewhat. Ah well.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chores and errands...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you and June to church. I went grocery shopping. Then Mom took you and June over to Granny's and then to Pennsylvania to buy a couple of beds for you guys. While this was happening I fixed a leaky gutter, ripped some DVDs for Granny, went to the gym, then Target and Home Depot, then home where I straightened things up further, then to Kings to pick up ice cream and some tortilla wraps, then I drove out to Granny's to meet you guys and have some dinner. We ate and ran as it was getting late, then I gave you a bath and put you to bed.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rather disappointing day...

Dear Nicky,

This morning when I tried to clip your finger- and toenails, you acted like I was murdering you and snotted all over the place. I find behavior like that very distressing and spent the rest of the morning walking around, feeling dizzy and tired, like I just took the SATs. Later we went out to see these Irish dancers Granny said were going to be at this place. Turns out Granny got her facts wrong, big surprise. Back home you didn't eat much dinner. But Mom said you ate a nice lunch. One nice thing: you got a great haircut this afternoon. You look great!


Friday, October 23, 2009

4 poops...

Dear Nicky,

Mom received you this afternoon because I was taking a nap. Later we had pizza bagels for dinner, then we watched Toy Story 2, Mom went to a girls' night out thing with the moms of some of your colleagues, and I put you to bed. You went on the potty prior to going to bed and you made a poop. Then twice more after I put you to bed you asked to go on the potty and performed admirably. Finally after getting June back into bed as she would get up each time you wanted to go to the bathroom, you pooped in your diaper. Guess you were tired of the up and down. But man you must have felt good. Four poops in less than 30 minutes. Now you're good to go, good for another thousand miles.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

More steak...

Dear Nicky,

When I make you a nice dinner, my reward is to see you eat it. It makes me happy knowing I got a semblance of a decent, balanced meal into you. This evening it was steak and fries with some yogurt and milk. It being a Laurie day, I usually go to work as soon as I come home and I don't really stop working till after you finish dinner. This night Mom was kind to me and bathed you and put you to bed. Last night you didn't really sleep very well, which means neither did it, but hopefully tonight you will.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lovely day...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon when you got home I put you on the potty, then we went to Target, where you were very good as always. When we got home you had two milks, some dinner, then some juice. I left you guys with Mom and went to a parents' night at June's school. They spoke so highly of her, it was really great to hear. Gotta run; I hear you fussing about something.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Dear Nicky,

We went to the docs this afternoon because everyone thought you had a sinus infection. Nope. Your nose and ears looked fine, no fever, etc. Diagnosis: you're probably still getting over a cold. We came home and played in the driveway for a while--trucks, chalk, hula hoops, trike. Then we played redlight-greenlight in the yard. You had fun. Then I made you a nice steak dinner and gave you a bath. You went down pretty easy, but I just had to change you a few minutes ago because you had a big poopy. But you're back asleep again, and hopefully it'll be a nice deep sleep.


Monday, October 19, 2009

The dentist again...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon we went to the dentist for your six month checkup. You and Junie both. Junie behaved okay, only having a little meltdown toward the end of her cleaning. You went bananas from the moment they started working on your mouth. The doc was great though and he gave you the whole treatment. I was holding you the entire time like you were a mad bomber or something. Afterward we were all exhausted. You passed out in the car on the way home. You and June both slept late. We had pizza for dinner, then I went to this behavioral meeting at Stones. You were all asleep when I came home.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Uncle Jonny's birthday...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon your uncles, grandparents, and Aunt Duchy and your cousins all came over for Uncle Jonny's birthday. Your granddaddy also got himself an iPhone and he was full of questions. You and June had a blast playing with your cousins, and you had huge amounts of birthday cake which made you crazy when it was time for bed. Everyone made a mess and took their sweet time going home. Mom gave you a bath while I cleaned up.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Super Saturday...

Dear Nicky,

Today we went to Stones for another session of fun and games geared for children like you. It was fun and you did pretty well but your nose was especially snotty and you were uncooperative about blowing. This afternoon Mom had to go off to a work thing, so when you guys woke from your nap, it was just me and you two. You woke up first and we had a lot of cuddly, squeezy laughs together. I fed you dinner and got you to eat it by doing the I Spy thing. Then Mom came home and I went out to run errands while she put you to bed.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Sleeping late...

Dear Nicky,

It was a cold and rainy morning, excellent weather for sleeping, and we all slept late. I had to take you in to Stones myself. Not much else happening today. Ate some dinner, had a bath, played with some toys, watched Toy Story again, went to bed. The usual.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lengthy Thursday...

Dear Nicky,

Usually, Thursday afternoons are my own from one to six, but today your nanny flaked a little on us and I had to come home early. Kind of a pain, but my dutiful nature was rewarded by your good behavior, dining, and going poopy on the potty all by yourself. I can't tell you how proud I was of you. You said you needed to go and you went! Well done!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lotsa grapes...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I got you dressed before breakfast, thereby giving you a little more time with your meal. This evening at dinner, I got you kids to eat by playing I Spy. I would say things like, "I spy a little boy eating a carrot." And you did it! Later you wanted a lot of grapes for dessert. I gave you guys a bath. You're fussing a lot lately when I wash your hair. Then we watched a little Toy Story, then went to bed.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Steak tonight...

Dear Nicky,

You fought me going off to school as usual this morning, and as usual you were warm and loving in the afternoon when you returned. We hung out, cleaned up, and had some laughs, then I made some steaks for you and Junie. You ate lots of steak and fries, with milk, but no veggies. Mom then put you to bed where you're sleeping soundly right now, and for the rest of the evening, I hope.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Cold day at the farm...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went out to a farm in Chester to see animals and ride horses. We left early, so it wasn't bad when we go there, but it was soon packed. You guys went in the moonwalk inflatable, rode a pony, played in dry corn, ate some donuts and fries and had a lot of fun in general. It was really cold, however. When we sat down to eat, some young kids from the Y sat next to us, and one was a girl with no jacket at all, so Mom bought her a T-shirt to help keep her warm a little. When we got home you took a long nap. Then Mom gave you a bath and put you to bed. It was a nice day despite the cold weather.


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Despite your slightly runny nose we went to church, which proved nearly overwhelming for me in the contemporary service, which had too much loud noise and lights. Then I made you a sandwich and went to Home Depot. I did some fall yardwork while you slept. We went to the park afterward despite your runny nose. We only stayed briefly since it was getting cold. You refused most of your dinner despite our entreaties, watched some Pinocchio, then went to sleep.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

This and that...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to Target and dropped a bundle, then we drove around looking for a furniture store. You had some lunch and a nap when we got home, and I went to the gym. When you woke we went to the Great Swamp, then Old Navy, then out to dinner. We watched a little Pinnochio this evening, then went to bed.


Friday, October 09, 2009


Dear Nicky,

There was a monster splinter in the palm of your hand since yesterday and it was starting to look red. I decided to remove it this morning, so I sterilized a safety pin, immobilized you as best as I could, then slipped out the two pieces as quickly as I could. Well, you cried a lot, but there was very little blood. There was just the beginning of some pus so I think not only did that splinter have to come out, it had to come out sooner rather than later. I did it, it hurt you, but you forgave me. That's one of the many things that's great about you.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Pick-up...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning for the first time in a long time, I forget to carry my cell phone with me when I go out. I come back later there's two messages on it and one on the answering machine from the school nurse saying you're sick and come and pick you up. So I do. Yeah, you got another cold all right. Maybe the adenoidectomy will help shorten the duration. We were going to take a trip to New Hampshire this weekend, but that seems unlikely now. You had some mac and cheese for lunch and some hot dog for dinner. Then a bath, three stories, and bed. Sleep well!


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

JUDY Center, 2009...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to see Dr. Fred for our annual Judy Center visit. We were there quite a while. Both the social worker and the doc thought you are doing great and that Mom and I must be doing something right. You fell asleep on the way home, and we got some White Castle drive thru and we ate it on the road. Mom dropped me off at home and I went and got the new plates and registration for the Toyota, while you guys went out to Granny's. When you came back, you had a snack, some milk, peed on the floor, then went to bed.


Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Good heavens, man, you certainly are grinding your teeth a lot lately. Listening to it is excruciating to me. It sounds like a cavern full of crickets or a colossal bunch of celery being torn apart. I beg, I plead, I cajole, I whine, I massage. Nothing works. I worry that you're going to grind your teeth down to nubs.


Monday, October 05, 2009

Let's catch up...

Dear Nicky,

So yesterday you and I and Junie hung out at home in the morning while Mom went to church, then you guys took naps, then we went to Granny's for dinner, came home, watched some TV, and went to bed. This morning we got you off to school together, then I took Junie for her picture, then we came back, had lunch, and took a nap. When you came home, we hung out, you guys caused a lot of mess, then we had dinner and a bath, then bedtime. Exciting, I know. I also think you're coming down with a cold.


Sunday, October 04, 2009

IOU a post for Sunday, October 5 2009

Dear Nicky,

Love ya, but I'm too sleepy right now. Talk to you later.


Saturday, October 03, 2009

Some block party...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you guys to Rocket Ship Camp, and she thought it was as beat as I thought last week. Then you guys ran some errands and came home and made cupcakes while I went to BJs and Target. When I came home it was time for your nap. When you woke up Mom took you to this block party around the corner. It was pretty weak. June and I stayed because she didn't feel well. We had some pasta for dinner, then went to bed, where you moaned and fussed for quite a while but seem okay now.


Friday, October 02, 2009

Into the City...

Dear Nicky,

Stones let out early today, so Mom took you and June into the city to her office. You apparently made a great impression and had a good time. You guys were tired when you came home. While you guys were away I went to the gym. For dinner you had some pizza, then watched some Little Mermaid, and then went to bed.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Brighter day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a better day, and I didn't yell at you. I slept more last night and that makes a difference. I'm sorry I yelled at you the other day. I feel terrible about it.
