Wednesday, April 30, 2008

All over the place...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I put together what I thought was a pretty nice lunch for you. Your drivers come at a nice time and seem happy to see you, and you seem happy to go to Stones. I took June to daycare, then got some lawn stuff at Home Depot. June didn't nap so well today. You came home in a good mood, and you both ate a reasonable amount of tortellini for dinner, took your meds, and went to sleep easily. What impressed me today was you did the most walking I've seen you do. It's still slow and a little clumsy, but it's increasing in frequency and steadily improving in quality. You're doing great, pal.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Everyone's better...

Dear Nicky,

Today, even I, the sickliest of this recent sick bunch feel better. You had another nice day at Stones, with Ruth the PT saying how well you're doing via your comunication book, and Jerry the principal called to talk to me about this Friday's IEP meeting and also mentioned how great you're doing and how seamless your transition was and how much you're blossoming. Always great to hear. You ate yet another decent dinner, took all your meds, and went to bed without complaint. Junie had a nice nap, so she wasn't quite so psychotic at dinnertime.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Rainy, busy Monday...

Dear Nicky,

Today I met your new driving team this morning. It's not even the same people from last week but a whole new duo. They seem very nice. When they picked you up they were very friendly, and when they dropped you off this afternoon, they said how sweet and cute and good you are. That's not news to me, of course. Anyway, this was your first day back at Stones after a spring break spent fighting strep throat. They said you had a good day. Last night I had the first decent sleep I've had in three or four days due to my campaign against strep throat. Junie and I were alone today, and we went to Target and the supermarket. I think the excitement was too much for her and overstimulated her to the point where she didn't take a nap this afternoon, which, of course, leads to madness. You seemed a little tired from your first day back at school yourself, but you ate a reasonable dinner and were eager to go to bed. Also, both you guys' and Mom's health are so much better than last week. And I'm finally on the mend myself. I also got a lot of errands done and was able to receive some furniture that Mom had ordered. So, though rainy, it was a very productive day. And the lawn needed the rain anyway, so it was win-win-win all around.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mom's home...

Dear Nicky,

Mom's back. Yippee! I woke up this morning at 3, unable to sleep with the pain in my throat. I think it's a combination strep, cold, ear infection. It's too bad, too, since both of you slept like angels last night. I gave you guys a bath this morning and managed quite well. You guys had an okay breakfast and lunch, but now that Mom's here I have to get in bed for a little while because I've had the chills all day and I need to warm up. You guys still have runny noses but no fevers or sore throats. If you guys felt like me, no wonder you were miserable. It's just taking me a little longer to get over it, is all. Please sleep well tonight, too, okay, buddy?


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Much better...

Dear Nicky,

You and Junie are much better. Junie's probably 90 percent and you're maybe 80 because you've still got quite the boogers, but it's gotten much better. My throat definitely has strep. The white pustules in the back give it away. I may have an ear infection on top of it. But I'm on antibiotics so that should do the trick. And Advil helps a lot too. Earlier you were spontaneously singing the alphabet with very good clarity. Surprising and impressive.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Sore throat...

Dear Nicky,

Well, I got strep. And as I just have acquired it, I feel way worse than everybody else. And Mom's out of town. She'll be back on Sunday. I'll just have to do the best I can with you guys for the next 44 hours. Shoot. This remind me of the time with my appendix. What a pain that was. Leastwise, you both seem to be doing better. I guess that antibiotic has kicked in well, thank goodness.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Three for three...

Dear Nicky,

You're definitely on the mend, but you, Junie, and Mom all tested positive for strep throat. No wonder Junie's been screaming like crazy. Anyway, today you were supposed to have your three-year checkup, to which we also took Junie for fear that she did indeed have strep. The doc said we'll postpone the physical, but they did measure you and you're allegedly 36 inches long. I'm not so sure about that, however, but it sounds nice. So the nurse took cultures from you, Junie, and me. I tested negative, but I think it's only a matter of time. I got a prescription just in case I need it. We've already given you both two doses of antibiotics and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. Maybe it'll clear up your sinuses as well, which have been working overtime in the booger production arena. Maybe Junie'll stop screaming, or at least find something else to scream about. I guess we really are saying goodbye to cold and flu season with a bang.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another day in the trenches...

Dear Nicky,

Well, you seem to be feeling better and your spirits are always pretty good. Every now and then today you'd start crying for no reason, but it figures if you're not 100 percent. You ate well for breakfast and lunch, had some popcorn snack, and nothing for dinner. That's your typical thing lately. You had a lot of laughs playing with June and the cardboard box this afternoon. She's got a bug now too, as does Mom and as do I. Mom has strep, actually, which I hope none of us get. But I have a cough. I hate coughs. You and Junie were swarming all over me all day, coughing and sneezing and snotting all over me. Monsters!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Still rather miserable...

Dear Nicky,

You are doing a lot of walking lately, which is just great and has been a long time coming. It's wonderful to see it happen and you're doing it so voluntarily it thrills me. Earlier today you gave me a lot of hugs and spontaneous kisses. But you've still got a bad cold, with major snot discharge and extreme nose discomfort. Junie's sick now too, as is Mom, and as I will probably be tomorrow. This has been the longest cold and flu and whatever season I've ever seen. There literally has not been a weekend where someone hasn't been sick. Have I already mentioned that? It seems like we're just stuck in a loop that plays over and over again.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Better this evening...?

Dear Nicky,

Now that cold and flu season is finally ending, you have the worst cold I've seen all year. Your nose is terribly red and sore and snotty, but so far you seem to be having a better night than last night. I fear another ear infection. We'll probably just go ahead and get some new tubes in soon. This afternoon you caught a little nap, and I think that helped.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Days of drudgery, nights of misery...

Dear Nicky,

I love you, but you are the worst sick kid ever.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

You're sick...

Dear Nicky,

Poor little guy. While I was away you got the croup again. Will it never end? Your sick season basically lasts from October to May. Get well soon.


Friday, April 18, 2008

See you soon...

Dear Nicky,

I've had a lot of fun, but this afternoon, the absence of me from my family hit me like a palpable thing. I can't wait to see everybody again. And it'd make me really happy to think you guys missed me as much as I missed you. I'm coming back tomorrow, my boy.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Some day...

Dear Nicky,

Someday we will share adventures together--movies, theater, trips to museums. We will swim in the ocean and fly kites and drive cars.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You're the best...

Dear Nicky,

I know you're the best. You and Junie both, of course. But I know you're the best on the bus, you're the best at Stones, you're the best with Mom and Junie. and you've always been the best with me.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On the bus...

Dear Nicky,

You digging the busride to Stones? They treating you okay? I'm sure they are. Everyone falls in love with you.


Monday, April 14, 2008

New day, new bus...

Dear Nicky,

I miss you terribly. Today you had your new ride to Stones, much shorter and with new people. I so hope it went okay for you. I'm sure you did great, though. You're the bravest boy in the world, and I know you won them all over. I hope the day wasn't too stressful for Mom. She's not as tough as I am.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Shorter bus ride...

Dear Nicky,

We did it! We managed to get the Board of Ed to send out for new bids for your transportation to Stones. And you're getting a new ride tomorrow at 8:25 instead of 7:35. We cut your bus time by almost an hour! I'm so happy, though I will miss Bonnie and Saul, who were awfully nice people. But this new time is so much more reasonable. This makes things so much better for you and easier on Mom and me. We did it, kid! Or more likely, you did it, with your irresistible charm. You inspire people to do things for you. You're a magic boy! Everyone loves you!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Long day for daddy...

Dear Nicky,

Today I flew to Los Angeles. I'm far away from my family and I miss you all a lot. But I'm really tired now and need to go to sleep.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Busy boy...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we took you to Flanders for a teeth cleaning and exam. The doc there was really nice and did a great job. This place was a little out of the way, but it was well worth it. You, of course, hated the experience, and you cried and struggled so much you got some of the worst petechia I've seen in a long time. When we came home, we hung out for a while, then I took you to a new ENT, a soccer-mom type who was much more patient and less rushed than your other ENT. She said you look great. Your tubes are on the way out, so you'll probably need new ones come the fall, but your tonsils, adenoids, sinuses, and ear drums look great for a change. Then, lastly Mom took you for a haircut late this afternoon. Again, you cried, but your hair looks good, buddy.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

IOU another post again...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry pal, ran around all day, stayed up too late. We'll catch up tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Tired kid...

Dear Nicky,

You seemed tired this afternoon. Maybe the Stones thing is catching up with you. Of course, waking up in the middle of the night ain't so great for you either. We're all tired these days, I guess.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Running around...

Dear Nicky,

I spent most of today running around, while you did well at Stones. I'm kind of tired right now, with not much to say. I think I forgot your milk this morning, which makes me feel bad. Won't do it again.


Monday, April 07, 2008

Another week begins...

Dear Nicky,

And so began your second week of preschool at Stones. You were in a good mood this morning, and in a good mood when you came home. They say you were even more verbal this week than last week. This week your job is to help with the flag. You're the best, Nick.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Nothing big...

Dear Nicky,

Today while Mom took you guys to Granny's, I just cleaned up some branches from the yard and threw out some junk for Junk Day. Then I went to Borders and bought some books. It was kind of dreary all day long, but you seemed okay, as did Junie, who was a lot less screamy today than yesterday.


Saturday, April 05, 2008

We go to a bat mitzvah...

Dear Nicky,

Today was pretty ordinary day. You and Junie started Music Together again. Apparently Junie bit some kid's finger, but only after he stuck it in her mouth. Later Mom took you guys for a walk, then Laurie came over to watch you guys and put you to bed while Mom and I went to a Bat Mitzvah in the City. I liked going to the City more than going to the Bat Mitzvah, which was nice, but I think the girl could have done better after practicing for a year and a half. We left after dinner and made great time getting home. Less than 45 minutes door to door. Of course it was because I did the driving. Laurie said you guys had a nice time and went to sleep easily, which is nice to hear.


Friday, April 04, 2008

Still stuck on the bus...

Dear Nicky,

Well, we've been working all week to get your bus route shortened, but with no luck yet. And since the Board of Ed is closed next week, you're stuck at least for another week. You're so good natured and just so naturally happy that I think you don't mind, but an hour and a half is just too much for a little kid. We ain't through with this yet, pal. We'll take care of you. Incidentally, you're first full week at Stones has gone just fine. I think it's a great stimulating and learning environment for you.


Thursday, April 03, 2008


Dear Nicky,

So it seems you're doing very well at Stones. You seem happy now to go in the morning, and you look like you've had fun when you come home. Your day is long, but you hardly nap much these days anyway. Went and got your eye report and permission slip for patching so the school nurse can hook you up during the day while you're there, rather than us doing it anymore. It's worth a shot, anyway.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Another fabulous day...

Dear Nicky,

So far you're doing really well in your new school. Every day we get a new note from your teacher saying how well you're doing. They said you actually peed on the toilet today. Well done! I'm starting to miss you kind of terribly. It's weird not having you around. This afternoon Junie and I met you outside. Then I toted you both in like sacks of potatoes.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Taken aback...!

Dear Nicky,

So this morning I'm returning a call to the nurse at Stepping Stones regarding getting permission to patch your eye, but before I can talk to her, the principal gets on to tell me how easily you took to your new schedule and class. He also tells me how impressed everyone was with you. In his words, "everybody was a little taken aback" at how smart you are. Aren't they going to be in for a surprise when they realize this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the wonders of you are concerned. You're the greatest.
