Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Big Five...!

Dear Nicky,

Hello, my darling. It's been quite a while. The longest stretch I've ever gone without writing to you. It's been good and bad. It's been good because I was developing a tendency to merely focus on the negatives of our lives together, the challenges, and my own personal shortcomings in character, and I didn't want this little journal to be that way and I didn't want my own perceptions reinforced in that direction. I want this thing of ours to be a proud record of our time together, a celebration, and not a list of complaints. And by taking a bit of a break, relieving myself of the responsibility of my self-imposed daily requirement of writing, even when I couldn't think of much to say, it has sort of allowed me to get re-energized and reminded me what's most important.

You're what's most important.

Which brings me to what was bad about taking a break from writing on this journal, and that is that I've been away from you, in this abstract sense of course, for so long. I've missed you, and I've missed reflecting on the many benefits and positive aspects of having you in my life. I love you so much.

And so I return to you, to this endeavor of ours (albeit mostly mine), on the anniversary of the day of your birth.

Five years ago today you came into my life. I remember the terror I felt during your birth when the doctor decided you were going into distress and needed to be delivered by an emergency cesarean, and I remember the peace and awe and love I felt when I held you in my arms for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday. When you were delivered and readied and bundled up firmly, the nurses thrust you into my hands. It was like receiving a warm loaf of fresh, heavy bread. We looked into each other's eyes for the first time that night and my first words were, "He's so beautiful!"

And now here we are, five years later. Half a decade gone by in the wink of an eye. The days are long, my god are they long, but the years are short, and the road we travel on together winds ever on.

Today was your fifth birthday. We had your official party this past Sunday at a joint in Summit. Nice enough place, lots of friends came, girl cousins, cake and pizza, and we had a bug guy show up and display several weird and exotic creatures, like giant cockroaches and a big snake. It was cool. I think the party went over really well.

This morning at school, Mom dropped off some cupcakes for your colleagues and teachers and a good time was had by all. This evening we had another celebration, this time in miniature. I made you steak, fries, and broccoli. Granny and Grandpop and Uncle Jonny came over. Aunt Za called, as did Papou. It was a little hectic, so those conversations were quite brief. We had chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Then it was time to open presents, and man did you get a lot of them. I think the topper was the one Mom and I gave you which was a Wall-E toy. Once you saw that, it was game over. Finally, Mom put you to bed, I cleaned up the kitchen, and the day was done.
