Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008...

Dear Nicky,

What a nice day we all had today.  Your day began with Saul and Bonnie giving you a little Halloween treat this morning when they came to pick you up.  This morning I took Junie to her preschool where they all had a little parade of trick or treaters and went around to a couple houses and a doctor's office and got some Halloween candies.  Then she and I went to the bank and paid our mortgage then to Old Navy where I got her some white tights to go with her cheerleader outfit.  Then we put her down for a nap and Mom went to see you at Stones where you guys did a similar thing and had a little Halloween festival of your own.  Your costumewas the Cat in the Hat, but I ended up wearing the hat in the evening.  Later when you came back, Granny, Granddaddy, and Uncle Jonny came over.  Granny manned the front door while our little family went out on its first successful Halloween adventure.  We hit a number of houses and it was very successful.  We didn't stay out too long, but we stayed out for quite a bit, then we came in, had pizza, hung out for a while, then called it a night.  It was a very successful endeavor.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

I witness an accident...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, after I went to the gym, I was picking up Junie from preschool and putting her in her carseat, when I hear a big noise.  I look up, and down the lot a ways a silver Pontiac had backed out of its parking space to smack into a white Jeep Cherokee broadsides.  The driver didn't seem to leave a note and just left.  I followed her and got her plate and then called the boss lady at Junie's school.  I think I did a good deed, and yet somehow I feel like a tattletale.  Isn't that silly?  Reporting something like that to someone was definitely the right thing to do.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good day at school...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you woke up a little early, but we all do on Wicked Wednesday so it's no matter.  You actually had some of your breakfast: a piece of toast and a banana.  I got you dressed and off you went.  When you came home, there was a nice note from Maria the OT in your communication book, saying how well you did.  We all went for a ride in the afternoon, then you guys watched YGG while I made dinner: feta spinach sausages, which you pounded, then you had some more banana, then your meds, then Mom put you to bed.  You've been sleeping pretty well last few nights, what with your antibiotic, Vicks chest rub, and Vicks vapo-pads.  I think your warm little outfit is incredibly comfortable, too; very breathable and 90 percent cotton.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cold and rainy...

Dear Nicky,

Today was rainy and gloomy and it actually snowed for a while.  I'm glad you were warm and dry at school.  June and I went to the gym, then to Target, then to the health food store.  You didn't seem very hungry this afternoon when you came home, but you ate okay for dinner.  Mom gave you guys a bath, we read some stories, then we put you to bed.


Monday, October 27, 2008


Dear Nicky,

You love steak. You love it so much you don't always chew it. After steak you love to have bananas. You don't eat a wide variety of food, but what you do eat you seem to truly love, so that's something.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

The park, then Granny's...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon after your nap, we went to the park, where you would've been happy to sit in a swing the whole day.  You also climbed up into the big kid slide, but refused to go down or disembark any other way, so I climbed up to get you.  Then we went to Granny's house, where you played happily with the toys there and also Nigel the cat.  You had a good amount of ham and roasted tomatoes for dinner.  Then we came home, had a bath, and put you to bed.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gentle day...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing much to report today. You were rather snotty during your Music Together class, which is always stressful. I spiked the trees and bushes while you were out. Hopefully that antibiotic will kick in soon. You ate a nice lunch, some stew for dinner, then some banana for dessert. Mom gave you a bath and I put you to sleep. It's raining now, which usually translates into a good sleep for you.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Yep, it's another sinus infection...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon we went to see you at Stones as it was a fall festival type of thing, and they had activities and animals.  You petted some baby chicks, some bunnies, and fed an alpaca a little bit, then you picked some pumpkins, ran an obstacle course, and got a tattoo, a temporary one of course.  Junie joined us and had a lot of fun also.  Then later we went to the docs to check Junie's iron, which is okay, and to have them check your sinuses.  Sure enough, it's another infection, and it requires another antibiotic.  After that we went to Chimney Rock for some dinner, but you weren't in the mood.  You were too tired and were kind of a pill.  We came home, gave you your antibiotic, and put you to bed early.  You were out like a light.  We gave you the ol' Vicks on the chest and humidifier deal again tonight, and it seems to be working.  Your nose should clear up fast.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grandparents' day...

Dear Nicky,

So today was Grandparents' Day at Stones, and yours went from Mom's side of the family, and they said they were thrilled to see you and that they were very impressed with your school.  They described you doing some activities that Mom and I haven't even imagined.  Later you were received by Laurie, while I went to my eye doctor's appointment.   For dinner, you guys had pizza.  You went to sleep with no trouble.  So far so good.  Tomorrow is like a fun day at Stones with all sorts of activities with the whole family invited.  I look forward to being there.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another sinus infection...?

Dear Nicky,

The last couple nights you've been sleeping just great.  As a matter of fact I had to wake you up this morning so you could get ready for school.  But your nose, man, it just keeps running with thick, green snot.  It won't stop.  Is it another sinus infection?  Do you need antibiotics again?  I wish there were more we could do, but what is it?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A gourd...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon when you came home, you had some milk then we went to the health food store, all three of us.  It was a bit of a challenge with you in the cart and Junie being all free-roaming, but we managed.  At the check out counter, one of the ladies was nice enough to offer you a gourd, which you accepted.  We drove around a bit, then came home and had feta and spinach sausages for dinner.  You ate two.  Then you and Junie split three bananas.  I gave you guys a bath, and Mom came home in time to put you to bed.  You've slept pretty good the last couple nights.  I hope it continues.


Monday, October 20, 2008


Dear Nicky,

I forgot to put some baby Vicks on your chest before putting you to bed tonight. See, I had to suction your nose and you freaked as usual and I forgot. At least I was able to salvage some of those vapor strips for your humidifier. Hopefully that and the snoot of Triaminic we gave you will be enough to help you sleep through the night.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lotsa tomatoes...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you woke well rested after having slept for basically 14 hours the other day.  I think you were warm and comfortable.  Today was Uncle Jonny's birthday, so we went over to Granny's house and had some dinner and cake.  Dinner was some tasty smoked porkchops with sauerkraut, which you ate reasonably well.  Then you pounded like 10 roasted tomatoes with garlic.  You and June sang happy birthday, then we had am ice cream cake.  You guys watched some Yo Gabba Gabba till it was time to come home and go to sleep.  And so far you're having another good night.  Keep it up, pal.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Early to bed...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon as I was working in the garage, you didn't nap at all, nor did your sister, so Mom eventually took you guys to the park and then to Whole Foods.  When I finally finished in the garage I took a shower, then you guys came home about half an hour later.  You were sound asleep.  We put you to bed for what we thought would be a brief nap, then tried to wake you about an hour later in order to go get an early dinner.  We got you into the car, where you fussed and writhed till you were asleep again.  We decided it would be pointless to try and take you to a restaurant, so we simply returned home, defeated, and put you properly to bed.  You fussed and writhed there too for a while, but I snuggled you till you calmed down and conked out.  If you sleep straight through the night till tomorrow, that'd be a really good night's sleep, a rare occurrence for you.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Nice night last night...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry I didn't make much of a post yesterday. Sometimes at the end of the day I get so tired I can't think straight or keep my eyes open. Today you came home from school with a fireman's hat. Mom took you to get a haircut and you were back in no time. It looks good, but it was a very light trim. We had pizza for dinner. Mom went out with her mothers' group and I put you to bed. You had a little meltdown at the end of the evening, so I got you ready and just put you down to sleep. You went right to sleep. I hope you sleep as well as last night, which was very nice.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Dear Nicky,

I'm about to fall asleep, More tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is it the croup...?

Dear Nicky,

Well, you've got another cold again, at least we hope it's just a cold and not the croup or some kind of RSV.  Mom said you were fussy a lot last night and had a baring kind of cough.  Your spirits and energy level seemed fine today, however.  Tonight we put some Vicks on your chest, gave you some Triaminic, and set your humidifier.  Hopefully tonight you'll sleep comfortably for a change and get the rest you need.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hey there...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing major going on today. Went to the store, went to the gym, ate a lot of protein. When you got home, I made you some steak. You still got a bit of a runny nose, you went to bed hard but finally went down easy. Nothing major.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Can't keep my eyes open...

Dear Nicky,

You went to the dentist today. Also the GarageTek showed up and started working on our garage. Tomorrow you go back to Stones.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day at aunty's...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon when you woke from your nap, Mom took you out to
Aunt Dutchie's house. You had a lot of fun and ate well there. I'm so tired from cleaning the garage. Those guys should come tomorrow and get started. This weekend was pretty productive.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

An afternoon playdate...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I worked on cleaning out the garage because on Monday, guys are coming over to start a renovation on the inside of it. It was hard work, and very daunting at first, but I kept at it and did a good job. This afternoon, Leo and his mom came over for a playdate. Also present was his baby sister. You guys had a lot of fun. Leo's mom brought some cupcakes, one of which you crammed in your mouth like a madman. After they left, you guys got a bath from Mom, then we all ate meatloaf. Delicious.


Friday, October 10, 2008


Dear Nicky,

An okay day, nothing special, positive or negative. Mom was really stressed out in the evening, so I put you to bed. Just between us, I do it better.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

More of the same...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you and I went to the gym. I had a nice workout, you had a nice time with the daycare ladies. Then it was time to pick up Junie from her preschool where we'd dropped her off earlier. Then we came home and had some steaks for lunch, then a nice long nap. Now you're sort of sleeping, sort of fussing, just like last night. I wish you could tell us what's wrong.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Not so bad tonight...

Dear Nicky,

Tonight, you and Junie both had meltdowns when I said it was to go to bed. So I read you no stories and put you to bed, and so far this evening it's been pretty quiet as far as everyone's concerned. You just did a little wake up thing a few minutes ago, and when I went in to soothe you, you sat up and put your arms out and said, "Daddy!" How can I resist that level of cuteness? So I picked you up and snuggled you a bit, even though you're not supposed to do that as it reinforces that behavior. But I couldn't help it, so sue me!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Now what...?

Dear Nicky,

I sense a sleep study in your future. You're waking up a lot tonight, not sure why. You're taking an antibiotic, your tubes are okay, so what is it? It's very frustrating because you can't tell us what's bothering you.


Monday, October 06, 2008


Dear Nicky,

So it turns out your ear tube is there after all.  This morning we went to see Dr. Berg, because we thought your right ear tube had come out.  That's what one of Doc Mock's associates told us, anyway.  Guess she really is as clueless as many people say.  Well, we went to Dr. Berg's.  You walked from the parking lot all the way upstairs.  When the doc saw you, he said there was a ton of wax in your ear.  He cleaned it, which was agonizing for you--and me, as I was the one to hold you in a trembling, sweaty death grip.  Your ear was cleaned, the tube was now visible, and we went off to Stones.  You needed some time to chill once there, so I left you to their tender mercies and went about my day till it was time to receive you in the afternoon.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Another day goes by...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing major going on today. A little neighbor girl was kind to you in Sunday School and helped you with something. It's nice when you see little kids helping each other out.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Block party...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you and June and Mom and Granny all went to Music Together and had a great time. This afternoon Mom took Junie to a little girl's birthday party that she knows from nursery school. Then when they got back, we all went around the corner to a block party. It was nice. You guys had fun perambulating about and exploring, but eventually you reached your limits and we had to come home. We put you guys straight into the tub.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Good eye...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, Mom took you to the eye doctor, who while not the warmest, bubbliest type of gal, is very competent and genuinely seems to care about your eye health. She says your eyes look very good. There's still a bit of turning inward in your left eye, but she's pleased with what she's seeing and therefore is satisfied to let the duration of your patch remain at one hour a day. When you came home, we all went and got flu shots except for Mom. Afterward we came home, played outside while Mom made a few business calls, then we went our for an early dinner. You kids ate pretty well, though you did make a mess and spill some water. I forgot your sippy cup on the table, and when we came back later, it was gone. We also went to Target and got a humidifier for June's room and a present for some kid's birthday in Junie's nursery school. We came home, read some stories, and went to sleep.


Thursday, October 02, 2008


Dear Nicky,

What a difference an antibiotic makes. Last night you slept soundly and woke up in a great mood. You even had a little bit of breakfast. You did fine at school, and when you came home, Laurie was there to receive you and take you into the back yard for some outdoor fun. You were kind of fussy at bedtime, but you're sleeping beautifully now.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sinus infection...?

Dear Nicky,

We dropped off Junie at daycare this morning, and I took you to the docs' office. Last night was miserable. The verdict: sinus infection and a missing right ear tube. You're on antibiotics now and already seeming better, although this afternoon was a long one. At least you guys ate well tonight, steak and pasta.
