Saturday, February 28, 2009

Runny nose, then not...

Dear Nicky,

This morning your nose was discharging pretty heavily. I tortured you with some suctioning and a schpritz of Rhinocort, then there was more snottage. Mom took you to Music Together and I expected the worst, but it wasn't bad. I had some mac and cheese ready for your return; you ate some, but not a lot. You took a nice long nap, and Mom got us some pizza for dinner. Then it was bedtime. The day went by fast, and yet not a lot happened. Something bothered my stomach last night and I was up till four this morning, running to the bathroom. It was probably just poor hand sanitization on my part after changing one of you kids. No hard feelings.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Mild day...

Dear Nicky,

After I got you off to school today, I took Junie to the docs for a followup; she's doing fine. The weather was quite warm today. I was napping when you came home. Later, Mom gave you dinner and a bath, then we watched The Little Mermaid for a bit, then it was time for bed.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sick babysitter...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon I came home early because the babysitter wasn't feeling well. We hung out and I made you some pizza bagels, which you always enjoy. Mom came home briefly then had to dash away for a function regarding the new Stones website. I put you guys to sleep and you both went down easy and happy. I'm good at my job.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hung over...

Dear Nicky,

I was so tired from my insomnia the night before last that I think it affected me still today. I woke up feeling dizzy and queasy. I managed to get you off to school okay and took care of June, but I'm still wiped. Maybe it's this decongestant I've been taking. You went to bed a little earlier tonight, as it was Wicked Wednesday, and you and I and Junie were all tired.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Picture day...

Dear Nicky,

I wonder how it went for you. I bet you got a great picture taken. You seem to be eating well and you come home in good mood. For dinner tonight I made you some sweet potatoes, wax beans, and some steak. You love steak, but you didn't touch either the sweet potatoes or the beans. For dessert you had some banana. Then we gave you another snoot of prednisone and put you to bed. Thank goodness we had that stuff. I didn't sleep a wink last night, so I was wiped out today. I still managed to go to the gym and the store though.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Croup again...?

Dear Nicky,

You had the telltale barking cough about an hour ago. Fortunately, we had some prednisone left over from the last time, and we gave you a little snoot. Worked great, so far. Of course you caught it from some kid at Stones, some kid whose parents can't be bothered with keeping their kid home from school when he's sick. I hope you have a good night tonight; tomorrow is picture day and we want you looking good. I had to suction your nose this morning, then I gave you a snort of Rhinocort. You hate it, of course, but it makes for a better day. You came home in a good mood as usual, then we took a drive to the doc's office where I gave him a memo about a note I need from him regarding your transportation, then we got some meds for Mom at the drivethru drugstore. You ate a nice amount of veggie nuggets tonight and went to sleep without any trouble. Feel better soon!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

A day of nerves...

Dear Nicky,

I missed breakfast this morning, am tired from insomnia last. I wasted my time in church this morning and ran around doing errands the whole rest of the day. Everywhere there was line. Service was slow. You guys behaved poorly at dinner.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sometimes, I forget...

Dear Nicky,

I forget to say things sometimes. For instance, lately I've just been trying to document the day, and the thing is that our days are often the same, one after another, and the routine can become wearying, as I'm sure you can imagine. Rather than list the details of another pleasant but uneventful day, a typical Saturday which included going to Granny's for some halfheartedly prepared evening meal, I'd rather just mention how much I utterly love you. I know I tell you verbally all the time, but sometimes I must tell you in writing, in this solitary little journal. When you came home tonight, you came rushing over and gave me a big hug. You put up with me, you forgive me, you like me, you love me. And I will always love you more with each passing day, my darling, my dream boy.


Friday, February 20, 2009

IOU a post for Friday, February 20, 2009...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to fill in all the stuff from today on tomorrow's post.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feeling that NyQuil...

Dear Nicky,

Last night I had insomnia and was wiped out today, although I did have a good workout. I got you off to Stones this morning and made you a steak dinner this evening. I'm feeling groggy because I took some cold medicine, since I have a sore throat and a cough for a while, so you'll pardon me.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More patches...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we all three went on the run when the cleaning lady arrived. I thought I'd be able to drop you guys off at babysitting, but then I learned they were closed. So I thought we'd able to go to the optic shop and get some more eye patches to send to Stones with you, but the guy that runs it wasn't there this morning. Instead we went to the gym for a while, then to the supermarket. You both were very well behaved there I must say. Then you had a nice pasta lunch and a good nap. When everyone was awake we went back to the optic shop and got your patches. Everybody loves you there; they ran the toy train that goes around the top of the room just for you. Then we came back, where you ate 16 chicken nuggets. When Mom came home we played hide and seek and she put you guys to bed.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We go to the gym...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, after you mooched off of most of my breakfast, I took you and your sister to the gym. I had a nice workout while you guys had a nice time in the childcare center they have there. We came home, had a nice lunch, and took a nice long nap. Later you ate a nice dinner and got a bath. A humble day but a good one.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was an ordinary day, like a Sunday it felt. Yesterday not much happened and today was more of the same. You did go out to see your cousins, however, and that's something you always enjoy. Yesterday I spent a couple hours trying to fix a shade in Junie's room, with some good success I must say. Today buying a couple cases of water and diapers was the most exciting part of my day. Meh, what can you do?


Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm gonna have to owe you another post...

Dear Nicky,

Just took some NyQuil, can't keep my eyes open. Later!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day, 2009...

Dear Nicky,

After a nice mellow day, which including you kids getting a couple new pairs of shoes, Mary came over to babysit you guys while Mom and I went out to dinner and then to a bookstore. We had some good food and a very nice time, and I snagged a bunch of books I'm very happy to add to my library. When Mary came over, you and June were so happy to see her you were jumping up and down. And believe me, she's crazy about you guys as well. She's a very nice girl.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Mom returns...

Dear Nicky,

Somehow I managed to send you off to school today in a good mood. I enclosed a bunch of little Valentine cards for your buddies in your kit. You came back with a nice bunch too. After sending you off, June and I had more to eat, then we went to the gym. Following that, we to the supermarket but Junie broke a dozen eggs, so I removed her from there and took away her lollypop as punishment. I made her some mac and cheese for lunch, which she really enjoyed, then I put her to bed. You came home early today due to the early dismissal, and you were passed out asleep. I put you to bed, and all three of us napped for a while. Then Junie woke up, then me, and later you. We listened to some music, fooled around, and had lots of laughs. Mom came home around five, then you had dinner, your meds, and you went to bed.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Windy day...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I got you off to school all by myself. Then I made Junie's lunch and took her over to her nursery school. I ran a few errands and went to the gym. I collected Junie, then Laurie came and took her to the library. I did some chores, then went and got a Valentine's Day present for Mom, who returns home tomorrow afternoon. Then I went to a doctor's appointment, and after that I went and got a cup of coffee. When I got home you were so happy to see me. I made your dinner--veggie nuggets tonight--then gave you a bath and put you to sleep. It was so windy out this evening, it knocked over our recycling garbage can, so I must remember to put it out first thing in the morning.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Daddy on his own...

Dear Nicky,

Mom left for a business trip early this morning. She'll be back Friday afternoon. I sent you off today, then took Junie to the daycare, then went to the gym. I had wanted to go yesterday, but I lost my notepad and pen and went running around looking for them and the day got away from me. When you got home we went into the back yard and played on the swings and the slide for a while. Both you kids love the swings. Eventually it was time to come inside. You had pizza for dinner tonight, and I put you to bed an hour earlier than usual. Both of you seemed fine with that.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dizzy and forgetful...

Dear Nicky,

This morning after I sent you off to school, Junie and I had our breakfast, then went down to Target to get some stuff, including a fresh bottle of Pepcid for you. I got some other stuff, then we went to the supermarket, where I realized I had left my notebook at Target. We drove all the way back to see if anybody found it, but no luck. We went and got groceries, chilled out, Junie too a nap, then later I watched some of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Later I made you guys a nice steak dinner followed by a couple bananas. Mom came home and gave you guys a bath and put you to bed.


Monday, February 09, 2009

Basic Monday...

Dear Nicky,

My tail's dragging from yesterday. Not much to report, although you did come home with some great progress reports from Stones this afternoon. No doubt you're the smartest kid there. I'm always proud of you.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

NY Comic Con...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I went to Manhattan for this large comic convention. It was something. Tons of people, displays, and quasi-celebrity comic book creator types. All the people there, including myself, were nerds of one type or another. In some, their nerdiness was definitely more pronounced, as manifested by their disregard for personal hygiene. It was a lot of fun, but I was a little sad that I had no one to share it with me. But when you're older we're definitely going to all go together. Meanwhile, Mom took you to the Great Swamp today and I understand you did spectacularly well with your walking. Also, I gave you the last of your antibiotic today. I don't know who's happier over that, you or me.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Long nap...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you to Music Together while I went to the gym. Then I got a haircut after you guys went to sleep. You took a nice long nap. June and Mom made some cookies. When you woke up, we went to Home Depot and Target. For dinner we had hot dogs. We read some stories and went to bed.


Friday, February 06, 2009

Mom visits Stones...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon, Mom came to observe your class in action for a while. One of the aides told her furtively that you are the smartest in the class. I've always known this. Mom then took you to the ENT, who says one of your ear tubes might be covered with a film and gave us some drops to hopefully dissolve said film. Great. More torment for my boy. Mom then left to go run the Tricky Tray, a fundraising activity for Stones, and was gone for nearly eight hours. We went and got your new meds, then I fed you, dosed you, bathed you, and put you to bed. I'm rather tired.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Brace adjustment...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, after we dropped Junie off at Sante Fe, you and I went down to Children's Specialized in Mountainside for an appointment to have your braces checked for fit. They needed a little adjustment but not much. You probably have six more months to go before you need new ones. You were very talkative and extremely well behaved. Everyone who met you loved you. Afterward I dropped you off at Stones, then took some stuff back to the mall, went to the bookstore, went to the grocery, got Junie, had some lunch, went to the gym, then to a doctor's appointment. After that I got some coffee and a couple of donuts, then came home and made dinner for you guys as soon as Laurie your sitter left. You guys ate okay. Mom came home and put you guys to bed while I cleaned up.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A less Wicked Wednesday...

Dear Nicky,

Well, today was not so rough as last week. The weather was better and Junie and I had a nice day together. Then we all had some laughs together after you came home. You ate an okay dinner of veggie nuggets tonight, followed by some banana. When it came time to go to bed you both had a meltdown, which was a pain, but at least you both went to sleep quickly.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Almost a snow day...

Dear Nicky,

Well, it wasn't really almost a snow day, but maybe tomorrow will be one. I rather hope not, since you and Junie stuck at home during a snow storm is a bit of a challenge to say the least. Not much else to report. You left on time, got home one time, and you always seem glad to see me, almost as glad as I am to see you. This evening you had steak for dinner, which you always love, along with sweet potato fries and broccoli, neither of which touched your lips. When Mom came home, we played some hide and seek, then she gave you guys a bath while I ran the snow blower on the driveway. Ah, domestic bliss.


Monday, February 02, 2009

More progress...

Dear Nicky,

You're continuing to make progress on the potty, but when you pee it sort of goes all over. Doesn't matter; this is huge stuff lately, major accomplishments. I've got nothing but love and respect for the way you handle all your challenges. I'm so proud of you, always, but not for what you do or don't do but for who you are: my son, my son.


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Another birthday party...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to another birthday party. It was for two little boys that live down the street from us and was held at a place called Baby Power in Berkeley Heights. It was nice and you and Junie had a great time. There was music and games and stuff to climb all over. Then there was pizza, followed by cake, which you ate very well. All the kids got little gift packages when we left. Furthermore, it was thrilling to watch you among children of comparable ages. You were actually far superior in many regards to many of these little dullards. You were honestly the best little boy there. Later we watched the SuperBowl for a while with Granddaddy, and shortly thereafter I put you to bed. It was a very nice day.
