Monday, July 31, 2006

Moving in a heat wave...

Dear Nicky,

Man, it's hot out lately, and we're moving to a new place and your sister's being a pill. Mom and I are so tired we can't think straight, but you're a real trouper, even adding to your repertoire of skills by catching on to "pat your head" in no time flat. I'll write more when I can.


Sunday, July 30, 2006

Here at the Hilton...

Dear Nicky,

So we moved out of our apartment today. The movers came and packed up all our stuff today. We left Hoboken in the morning and came here to the Short Hills Hilton, where we're going to be kicking it tonight and tomorrow. It was a very stressful morning. We did a lot of rushing around, unplugging things and emptying the fridge, stuff like that, and the whole time Junie would not stop crying. Not one bit. We were kind of rushed because yesterday, instead of taking care of business, we spent most of the day at Granny's so you could see your cousins, and we all could meet Aunt Erin's new little girl, your cousin Kathryn. To me, she and Junie look identical. Did you know they were born on the same day? It's nice and comfortable here, and very quiet. I don't think we're going to miss Hoboken very much at all.


Saturday, July 29, 2006


Dear Nicky,

This is our last night in this apartment. Tomorrow movers are coming to pack up our stuff and move it to our new house. Tomorrow and the next day we'll be staying in a nice, comfortable hotel. Rest and room service, and then we move into our new house. It's nice, and I look forward to it, but moving's always been very stressful for me.


Friday, July 28, 2006


Dear Nicky,

TGIF means thank god it's Friday. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

A recap...

Dear Nicky,

Today is Thursday. We made great time out to Stones this morning. You did well in PT, but crashed in speech and OT. You didn't nap very well after lunch, and when Kristine came over for your last session with her, you were totally not into it. And so ends our time with Kristine, a real sweetheart.

Yesterday was our last day with Shelby. And Edna. I took some stuff out to the house.

Tuesday was our last day with Tim.

We're saying goodbye to a lot of people. A lot of things are happening all at once, and I'm sure you're picking up on the stress. Junie's a real howler, oh man. Hopefully, things will calm down real soon. It'll be nice once we're in our new house.

This evening you were fussy and didn't want to sleep. I just held you and kissed you till you drifted off cooing and smiling. You're my good boy.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More of the old saw...

Dear Nicky,

Again, I'm too tired for anything. I'll get back to you soon.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another tough day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a tough, draining day, and I'll have to tell you about it tomorrow, okay?


Monday, July 24, 2006

Lawn mower...

Dear Nicky,

Today Shelby came over and you did great with her. You've really made some major strides lately in terms of signing and feeding and responding and imitating. After Shelby left, you needed a nap. Mom went to the Social Security office for a while, so it was me and my two kids. Both of you slept peacefully for the most part. You woke up not quite satisfied, but refused to sleep further. After Mom came back I went out to the house to mow the lawn. Somebody had already done the back, which I wish they hadn't, since they left bunches of grass everywhere. So I raked them up, and while I was doing that I uncovered a nest of bunny rabbits, at least that's what I thought they were. I covered them back up and left them alone. I hope they're all right. Then I mowed and raked the front lawn. In about a week I'm going to mow it again; it was fun! Then I came home, then Kristine came to do a makeup session, which you were okay with albeit a little tired. Then I fed you, and a friend of Mom's came over to see you and Junie, then it was time for bed. You fussed some, but went out pretty quick. And that's it.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

More teething...?

Dear Nicky,

You've been whiny and fussy all day today, and you've also been running a light fever. We gave you some Tylenol earlier, and later some Motrin. Your cheeks are rosy, too. In the past this has always been associated with teething, so I guess some new choppers are on their way. That's good, because you are getting to be a better eater, and hopefully soon you'll be eating regular food like the rest of us. We just don't like seeing you uncomfortable. You're not as bad off as Junie, though. While she's technically fine, her every waking moment is spent crying, shrieking her head off, really. It wears on one's nerves. Mom feels confident it's just something she's going through that will resolve itself shortly. Man, I hope so; I'm losing my mind.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hello again...!

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon I collected you, Mom, and Junie from Granny's house, where you guys spent the last two nights. I was very glad to see you again. I missed you all a lot. I think you were really glad to see me, too. We're pals. Before I came out to get you, I did a lot of stuff. I cleaned up the house and did some laundry, went and treated myself to a breakfast, got some stuff at the hardware store, then drove out to the house where I regraded the mulch, nuked a bunch of weeds, and removed this really gross glass door setup from the upstairs hallway bathroom. Mom said you went into the pool three times and loved it, that you made a sign to eat, that you almost said "cat." Pretty remarkable.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Time apart...

Dear Nicky,

I haven't seen or heard from you since yesterday afternoon when I dropped you, Mom, and Junie off at Granny's. I've been thinking about you guys all day. I miss you a lot, but I bet you're having a good time. Meanwhile I went to Home Depot twice today and got stuff for the house, cleaning products, tools, a lawnmower, that sort of stuff. That place is the equivalent of a candy store for grownups. Man, they've got everything. After we move into the new house, I may have to rip out that sink and cabinet they've got in there in the upstairs hall bathroom. It's so darn ugly! I wanted to mow the lawn today, but the grass was wet. Depending on when Mom wants to come home, I'm going to try to do some more stuff out there tomorrow. It's really fun to play Mr. Fixit.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oddly quiet...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to Stones, where you performed really well, especially in Speech where you ate a cracker perfectly. Jessica was so impressed with you. And everybody's crazy about how you make a little O-shape with your mouth. When we came home we didn't have much time before we had to get ready and leave for Granny's. You, Mom, and June are there now. Granny suggested it would be nice for Mom to come out there, that way Granny could help her out and also you all would have a respite from the relentless pounding of the construction going on across the street. After I dropped you off, I went over to the new house to wait for the chimney guy, who was very nice and informative. He really took his time to explain stuff. Afterward, I wrestled my way home through the rush-hour traffic and had a sandwich and now I'm going to crash

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

You and Dr. Fred...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning Mom took you to the Judy Center for your annual exam/evaluation. June and I stayed home, because frankly June is a screamer when she's in the back seat and it would've been crazy to bring her to a two-hour plus medical exam. Anyway, Dr. Fred thinks you're fantastic, basically. What else is new, right? He thinks we're doing everything just fine. Mom also spoke to our new service coordinator in Union County, who's already got everything lined up as far as therapists are concerned. Boy, they're efficient and they care about doing a good job out there. Unlike Hudson County, although our current lineup of therapists is excellent. Edna came and watched you for a while. It'll be a shame to lose her when we leave, but the commute is impractical. Tomorrow, off to Stones again, and later you're staying over at Granny's.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Judy Center tomorrow...

Dear Nicky,

Another ordinary day, but way too hot. Gave you a nice bath, then tried to trim your hair a little. I think it turned out okay, but man, you were squirming and twisting and throwing your hands up. It was like defusing a bomb and I was sweating like a madman. Tomorrow we go to the Judy Center for an in-depth exam, we hope.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Granny visits...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Granny came over to visit. Mom's been a little crazy lately due to lack of sleep and general anxiety over the arrival of your sister. She was the same with you, too, only way more so. We both were. Anyway, Granny came over gushed over you. Then I suggested that the two of them go get something to eat just so Mom could be alone with her mom and relax a little bit. You and your sister were asleep, so it was pretty easy to look out for both of you. When they came back, Mom was very happy, which makes life easier for all of us. Some people came over this evening to look at the apartment and maybe buy the dining table and were raving about how cute you are. Mom fed you and put you to bed, and so endeth another day in Exciting Town.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hot, dull Sunday...

Dear Nicky,

Not much to report today. We gave you some eggs again this morning, and for the first time you didn't freak out over them. That's something. Everybody's kind of tired from your sister and the heat. The AC units in this building really suck, and not just ours but everyone's. Soon we'll be in our own little home where it'll be nice on so many levels.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

A little catch-up...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a hot, humid, and sunless day. The whole summer so far has been like this, basically. Tim came this morning for a make-up PT session. He was supposed to be here at ten, but he came strolling in at 10:45 with even so much as an apology. He did give us an awfully nice card, sort of an early goodbye card, and a couple of Japanese good luck gifts, which was very nice. Later, I gave you a bath, long overdue, then fed you, and you were by this point hysterical with tiredness and went right to sleep.

Yesterday, we went to the eye doctor, who examined you with your glasses--the new pair we received on Thursday. She's pretty happy with you, and thinks you're doing good, except she wants to strengthen your left eye a little more, so we're going to have to patch your right one hour a day, five days a week. Just another thing to add to the list.

On Thursday we had an okay time at Stones, except the director has an annoying practice of bringing new families in to observe and participate on our time. Then we went to the optician's to get your replacement glasses. (Remember how you tossed your old pair when we went for a stroll?) We took another trip over to the new house to check for leaks and help the painters get into the garage, and we met our new neighbors again, very friendly people. That afternoon, Kristine came and played with some foam with you. You don't seem to have an issue with textures as far as that's concerned.

So now we're caught up!


Friday, July 14, 2006

Beyond tired...

Dear Nicky,

Again, I must apologize, as I won't be able to write tonight, I'm just so tired.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Busy day...

Dear Nicky,

It's been a long day and I can't hardy see straight, I'll get back to you tomorrow.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Dear Nicky,

I'll have to get back to you tomorrow about today because the battery's about to die, but it's all good.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Dear Nicky,

This afternoon, Mom went for a checkup at the OB/GYN's, and she took Junie, too...who cried the entire time she was in the car coming and going. When she came home, Mom was shaken by the intensity of your sister's crying and worried that she might have damaged herself. You ate a nice lunch, then eventually took a nap, but you woke up halfway through, so I held you for another hour or so while you slept peacefully on me. Then Tim came and worked with you on some PT. He just got back from Japan recently. You're an easy kid to take care of.


Monday, July 10, 2006

Some good news...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning Mom called the optician and the eye doctor. We ordered you a new pair and they should be here in time for us to have the doctor look at you with them on. You have to have them it turns out, otherwise the exam would have to be postponed. But we should be okay.

You and I went to see Doc Slushie this afternoon. We made excellent time on the roads, even though that Route 17 is a killer. We got there early and waited around for over 45 minutes, even though our appointment was at 3:30. Anyway, the doc sees us, it takes five minutes and tells us everything is perfect down there. It's great to pretty much scratch something off the list as far as worrying is concerned.

So, those two things together provided us with some good news and made it a good day. To top it off, we got drive-thru at White Castle on the way home. Man, that stuff is good. I hate to admit it, but it's true.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

No luck...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went looking for your glasses again, and we asked at all the businesses along the promenade, and unfortunately we didn't find them. Mom's calling the eye doc tomorrow. You took a wonderfully long nap this afternoon. Two hours straight. I wish you'd do it more often. You'd probably grow more if you got more rest. Unfortunately, you're almost always on the go. For instance, tomorrow we go see Doc Slushie, who's going to check out your down-below, which thankfully, has healed just fine. We think your sister has a blocked tear duct. We'll watch it. I wish she had a blocked mouth when it comes to crying, though, I'll tell you that. She's just a peanut of course, but her every waking moment seems to be consumed by the desire to cry pointlessly. I think we'll keep her anyway.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

A bad thing to do...

Dear Nicky,

Today, during an afternoon walk, somewhere along the promenade, when Mom and I weren't looking, you took off your glasses and threw them away. Yup, they're lost. We don't blame you, of course. You didn't do it on purpose...did you? We should've been more alert. Don't worry, we'll get another pair.


Friday, July 07, 2006

15 month checkup...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to the docs for your 15 month checkup. You, me, Mom, and Junie all went together, because Mom and I wanted to do a weight check on Junie, just to make sure she was gaining all right, which she is. Your weight was 23 pounds, 5 ounces, up a solid pound from your 12 month physical. I think the nurse didn't get your height accurately, so we'll check that ourselves when we can. Anyway, all seems well, especially with your ear tubes, which make your ears nice and dry. You got some more shots, which made you cry but your recovery is always impressive. You're all heart, my little friend. Tonight we gave you the last of the antibiotic drops you're supposed to get in your ears, so that's one less thing. Monday will be the last of your oral antibiotic, which you've been getting for your chronically snotty right nostril. I hope it finally knocks it out. This antibiotic also has the side effect of giving you gooey pasty gigantic bowel movements, so it'll be nice on many levels when you're finished with it. Yesterday we went to the first class in the Stones summer session. We go once a week for an hour, and in that time you receive attention from all three therapists. I hope it's effective. There's only three kids in the class, you and two of your pals. After that we went to New Providence to help Mom's decorators decide on a bunch of stuff. I toted your sleeping little body around for over an hour, sweating embarrassingly, but I loved it because you're my boy. But today my arms are sore. You're quite a workout!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just some love...

Dear Nicky,

I love you, my boy. I was looking at some old pictures of you, and I was reminded how splendid a spirit and heart you have, how proud I am of you, and how proud I am to be your father.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to Stones...

Dear Nicky,

Tomorrow we go back to Stepping Stones for the start of the summer session. I was pretty busy today so I shall just say goodnight.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth, 2006...

Dear Nicky,

Today was the Fourth of July, and the first full day of your sister being here. You haven't really been able to interact with her since she's just a helpless little kitten right now, but soon she'll be getting right in your face I'm sure. It was hot and muggy out today, with an ozone advisory. You did great on some kneeling work earlier and you look like you want to really sit up. You ate very well, and munched on a bunch of crackers rather successfully. I gave you a bath all alone earlier because Mom was feeding Junie, who's a good eater like you, but because nursing is more problematic in terms of adequate intake it takes longer and requires more frequent feedings. Soon she'll be on the bottle, though. You went to bed very easily and without protest. I think you like being clean.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Junie's home...

Dear Nicky,

Today we brought Junie home from the hospital. She's actually three weeks younger than you when you were her age. By that I mean that you came three weeks late, while she came a week maybe that makes it a month...? Anyway, she's here and doesn't seem to have any issues except she's a real crier...tired...can't think straight...Let's hope she outgrows this stage fast!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Junie's coming...

Dear Nicky,

Today you went to St. Barnabus for the last time to see your sister. Tomorrow, Granny's coming over to watch you while I go collect Mom and June. Things are about to get a lot busier around here.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Waiting for Junie...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to see Mom and Junie again. Your little sister gets better looking all the time. We just hung out all together. Yesterday Mom was very worried she and Junie would have trouble working together to nurse right, but happily it seems okay now. We were there a long time and we're both tired.
