Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My turn...

Dear Nicky,

Today it was I who went to the emergency room, and let me tell you, it wasn't as nice as the one we took you to in New Hampshire. I woke up this morning, congested and phlegmy like I've been for a while now, but today after breakfast I coughed so hard I threw up, and right then I decided I would go to the hospital, since my regular doctor has no appointments till next week. So I went in the late morning, after Shelby came and went, and after Edna took you for a walk.

You woke up a little fussy this morning, a little earlier than usual. You did somewhat okay with Shelby and were a little fractious with Edna, I'm afraid, but she tends to overreact sometimes I think. She called my cell twice while I was out. Once to ask about your lunch and another time when I was coming home. This last one scared me a little because she called while I was in the elevator, and I could hear her but she couldn't hear me, and I could hear you crying in the background. So I get home and you're a little beside yourself. It's those darn teeth. I dosed you with some Motrin and you felt better soon and ate a big bowl of cereal and took a long nap.

The hospital was a little rundown, but I think they did all right by me. I have bronchitis. I got some prescriptions filled and hopefully I'll be all right soon. I hope I haven't given it to you, man. You have a little cough, but nothing like mine. If we're lucky, we'll dodge this bullet.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ears seem good...

Dear Nicky,

We called in sick today at Stones. We went to Doc Mock's this morning, and after a lengthy delay during which you were a perfectly charming little fellow, he finally came in. He checked you over and said your ears looked excellent. He ascribed your current coldlike state to leftover congestion from your ear infection. Regarding your cough, he said he couldn't hear anything in your lungs and that they sounded clean. I called off Tim for the day anyway because I thought you could use the rest and I was right. You took a nice long nap this afternoon. Your fever's pretty much gone and your appetite is back, so hopefully you're well on your way to being 100 percent as soon as possible.


Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was Memorial Day, and it was completely uneventful. You've got my cough, I'm afraid. I hope it doesn't get as bad as mine. Your fever's gone, though, so that's good. We gave you a bath and trimmed your hair. You've got a little heat rash on the back of your neck, so we put some Baby Gold Bond powder on. It was really hot out today, but inside it's nice and cool. Mom and I argue about just how cool t make it. She worries about you being too hot and I worry about you being too cold. We just want you to be comfortable. I don't like being cold, and I especially hate the feeling of cold air-conditioned air wafting over me. It freaks me out. Tomorrow we go see Doc Mock, who'll give you the once-over regarding your antibiotic treatment, and we'll discuss the fever from last week.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

The return home...

Dear Nicky,

The return trip today was as simple and pleasant as going up there was miserable. Alas, I'm too tired to write any further, but I'll summarize tomorrow.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Better baby...!

Dear Nicky,

You definitely seem on the mend today. You woke up a little fussy, but as the day progressed, your spirits improved and your temperature decreased. We think finally you may have broken your fever. Funny how suddenly it came on as we were driving up to Dover from Jersey, and scary how high it got (at least it seemed high to us). But the emergency room doc was very nice and we got a lesson in the potency of ibuprofen versus acetaminophen. I still can't shake this darn cough and really hope you don't get it. You ate a lot better today, and that's always a good sign. We got you a few more out fits at Walmart and Old Navy, and a few things for your yet to arrive sister. We drove along the coast today, up to York Beach, Maine. Sure is nice around there, but the coast is rocky and the water is known for being cold, although some brave souls were in there. We parked and got some air, and I think it did you good. Then we came back to the hotel, fed you a nice dinner, went to Ya-Ya and Papou's and we had our dinner while the played with you, then you had another bottle of nice cold milk. Then we all had some laughs. Your grandparents are crazy about you! You fell asleep on the ride back but were forced awake when we had to get your antibiotics and Tylenol in you. Then you fell asleep soon after that. Glad you're on the mend!


Friday, May 26, 2006

Miserable trip...

Dear Nicky,

This morning your fever was pretty high, so we went to the emergency room bright and early. Everyone was friendly and helpful, a sharp contrast to some hospital staff in Jersey or New York. There was very little waiting and the doctor seemed thorough and competent and patient. His prognosis was pretty reassuring in that your fever was not so high, that it wasn't something very serious, like meningitis. You got my bug, I think, and I'm sorry. All I want is for you not to be sick, ever. Well, that and a bunch of other things, too. I still can't get over this cough, myself. What a pair we make. Poor Mom, huh?


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tough trip...

Dear Nicky,

I think it might have been a mistake to come to New Hampshire. The traffic was brutal the whole way, relentlessly brutal, with nothing but trucks, trucks, trucks. To top it off, you started crying around four and didn't stop till we got to the hotel, nearly seven. I hope it's not some other illness, but you were spiking quite the temperature, which could also be tooth related, and that's what I hope it is. Ah, the ride was miserable for you, son, and I'm sorry. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Straw success...

Dear Nicky,

Another brief note tonight. Tomorrow we're traveling to New Hampshire. You seem fine. I feel better every day. Shelby and Edna came today. This afternoon you drank a whole yogurt shake with a flexi-straw. Well done, you!


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I should get some rest...

Dear Nicky,

Yet another time when I must say to you I've got to go to sleep already. This cough has wiped me out with the effort.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Definitely better...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you seemed clearly better. You went down for your second nap around 7:45 and slept almost till Shelby came. You worked out okay with her, but you were still tired. Afterward, I tried to give you some flake cereal. You ate a little, clearly not liking it, so I gave you a fruit and vegetable double combo, which you pounded, and about an hour later you were napping again. When you woke up, we played and read a little, then for lunch with your regular cereal we tried the old dip-the-hand-routine. This was moderately effective and will take some work yet. Then we went for a walk and got some groceries, came back, had a bottle, and you watched some baby Einstein while I made dinner. When Mom came home, you had your dinner, plus antibiotic and Motrin, then went to bed with a little fussing, but nothing we couldn't handle. Instead of the sleep sack, you've got on a little fleece bodysuit tonight. It looks like it accommodates you better, for improved comfort. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Feeling better...?

Dear Nicky,

You seem to be on the mend, which is a great relief. Last night, my throat was killing me so badly I couldn't sleep. If this is how you felt at one o'clock Friday morning, no wonder you were howling with pain. This morning my throat feels better but I still feel sick. I think one more night of rest ought to do it. Today we three were supposed to go to some picnic held by Stones. I decided to stay home and rest, so you and Mom went without me. Mom was very mad at me, and I'm sorry to disappoint you both, but I just wasn't up for it. You guys are still out there right now, but it's gotten cold and rainy out, so you'll probably be home soon. I hope Mom's not still mad at me.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sore throat...

Dear Nicky,

You seem much better today, and you slept the whole night through. Mom and I are so relieved. We've got to keep giving you antibiotics for another eight days to make sure we get it. We're also giving you Motrin to keep the pain at bay. These two things together have really helped.

My throat is worse today, unfortunately, and I haven't kissed you at all today in the weak hope that you might not catch it. I just took some Nyquil and I think it's kicking in already, so I'm going to call it a night.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Couldn't last forever...

Dear Nicky,

Man, were you uncomfortable last night. Or, actually, this morning. You woke up around midnight, crying and whining, and really didn't go back to sleep till about five this morning. We never saw you so uncomfortable before, in such pain. We'd pick you up and you'd stop, then we'd put you down and you'd cry again. In addition to the pain, this was all very frustrating for you, so you were quite rightly angry that you couldn't get any rest. Later in the morning, which was rainy, just most of the rest of the day, we went to Doc Mock's, who confirmed our suspicions--ear infection. Sucks! He prescribed an antibiotic, and both Mom and I were in agreement about giving it to you, as opposed to in the past where one of us was for it and the other against it, and this is because of the popular opinion that antibiotics are bad in general. Well, all I know is I don't want to see you so uncomfortable again, so we're giving it to you. It'll be good to be shed of the snottiness and watery eyes you've been plagued with. It's your first ear infection. Hopefully it'll be your last. At least you made it to over a year old without one, and without much use of antibiotics, but the streak couldn't last forever. Hope you feel better soon!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling poorly...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry, pal, I'm feeling kind of sick tonight. Hope you don't catch it.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Annual review...

Dear Nicky,

Today was your six-month IFSP, which is this review required by the state to make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of your Early Intervention treatment. All three therapists got their reports in to our case worker, Alexis, who replaced Kathleen a while back. I first met Alexis this morning. She seemed very nice, and thought you were quite cute. The review went smoothly and I think the transition to another county in a couple months should go equally smooth. Afterward, we went for a walk, then came back and had lunch. Edna came by this afternoon and took care of you for a bit while I went to Target and also took a nap. Yesterday I was really too tired to make a report, but basically it was a good day at Stones and a nice workout with Tim. It was pouring rain for most of the day, and the trucks on Route 280 threw sheets of water on the car as we drove, but thanks to my excellent driving skills, we made it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rainy Tuesday...

Dear Nicky,

Today was better than yesterday, but I'm pretty tired so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Rainy Monday...

Dear Nicky,

Monday and rainy, two things that we do not enjoy. Shelby came over for DI this morning. Mom told her we bought a house. She was happy for us. Then, finally, when we got to work, she showed you a bunch of pictures of various things and asked you to pick out stuff like your bottle and a ball, etc., and you kept getting them all right. It was not random happenstance. Afterward, I gave you some mac and cheese, which you weren't nuts about but ate most of. It rained pretty much all day, so we stayed in. You were pretty whiny all day. After lunch I tried to get you to take a nap, but you would have none of it. Then I gave you a bath. It was labor intensive but I got you good and clean. You tipped over in the tub and almost went under but I got your back, junior. Speaking of backs, I was bent over so long drying you off, mine's all sore now. But that's not your fault. Then you had some dinner, then to bed.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day 2006...

Dear Nicky,

Today was Mother's Day, and you woke up at four in the morning. I held you and you slept in arms till about six. Then Mom got up, and she got her cards from you and me and really liked them. Later in the morning Aunt Erin came over and we went to brunch with her, Granny and Grandpop, and Uncle Matt. I had a cheeseburger. You were so well behaved and engaging. We all came up and hung out a little, then everyone left and Mom did some work. You didn't nap very much, so we just played around. Around four I crashed and had to take a nap, and awoke just in time to put you to sleep, which is what I'm going to do with myself right now.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Fast Saturday...

Dear Nicky,

This was another of those days that seemed to fly by. Not much going on, yet it feels like we're very busy. It was really lovely outside, so while I went to Target (remind me never to go to Target on the weekend), you and Mom went for a nice walk and also made brunch reservations for tomorrow at Trinity. You ate well, commando crawled a lot, slept okay, then chowed some more food. Your appetite seems to be growing, but your desire for solid, real food is not fully developed yet. We had a lot of laughs and a lot of lifting before you went to bed. When you laugh, Mom and I want to cry from happiness.


Friday, May 12, 2006


Dear Nicky,

Mom and I have lived here for over four years, and there's been this ugly, empty, eyesore of a lot across the street from us. Now that we have an infant, and a newborn on the way, they decide they're going to put up a hotel, and so there's this deafening noise sometimes when they drive these massive steel shafts into the ground. It's like World War III. Incredibly, you can sleep right through it. It tends to fade into background noise if you don't concentrate on it, but boy is it loud. In other news Tim came over for a make-up session this morning. You did pretty good overall, and he pulls no punches with you. It was rainy and dreary for most of the day, and you were quite fussy at times, but oddly enough it was fussiness with a smile. Very charming. And so ends another exciting week!


Thursday, May 11, 2006


Dear Nicky,

There was no Stones this morning, since we had evals on Tuesday. It was nice not to have to rush and battle the traffic out there. I was going to go to this fathers' thing they were doing tonight, but I changed my mind because it didn't sound like they had any sort of agenda, and I think it may have been more for the dads that don't show up on a regular basis with their kids at Stones. So I decided to stay home, feed you, have some pizza, and watch Survivor and CSI.

Today was an overall very good day, even though the weather was bleak and dreary. I gave you a bath, which, sorry, is not as fun for either one of us as it is when Mom's around, but what the heck, you needed one, and it's not like it was a terrible experience. We went out for a while, and to the post office to mail some photos of you to a Toys R Us talent search. They're looking for "differently enabled" kids to be in one of their catalogs. You are so darn cute we know they're going to pick you. The only reason I can think for them not to pick you is that they might think you look too good to have anything wrong with you. And they'd be right. There is nothing wrong with you. You're just right the way you are.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ordinary Wednesday...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing spectacular today. Shelby came over, worked on you, then left. Mom went to the OB/GYN, came home, then left. We ate. You totally dumped a bowl of cereal, then went to sleep. Edna came over and then I went to sleep. Then Mom came home, Edna left, you ate and went to sleep. It was just that kind of day. I didn't even do my Wednesday routine of going to Target.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nice evaluations...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to Stones. It was an evaluation day, so we answered a bunch of questions and stuff rather than get a workout. There was some physical stuff, though, especially in PT and OT, and you did very well. Lynn the PT showed us the blank spots from the last time six months ago, and now they're filled with accomplishments and capabilities. We've still got a ways to go, but we'll get there. Later Tim came over and you had a good workout with him as usual, even we had both fallen asleep holding each other when he knocked on the door. Then as soon as we were done, Mom arrives to rush you out to Granny's for dinner with your great aunt. Aunt Erin was there, too, and you're just crazy about her, and she's crazy about you. When you came home you were out, and I put you straight to bed. It was a good day today.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Hard Monday...

Dear Nicky,

Both you and Mom were under the weather today. You woke up at four just rarin' to start the day. Mom's stomach was bothering her so she smartly stayed home. So basically I had my hands full, and I'm tired, and I should have already gone to bed, but I think your teeth were bothering you badly again, so I just dosed you with some Tylenol 3, because you kept waking up crying. Hope you feel better soon!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Time with Mom...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I got up with you and got you to take almost a full bottle. A couple hours later I fed you some cereal, then Mom took you out to Granny's for a few hours, just to give me a little break. You, Mom, and Grandpop went for a walk, then Uncle Jon came over and you all hung out. I went and got some more children's cod liver oil. Big yay, I know, but it's good for you in several ways. There was some music festival going on in town. Crowds of people were all over. I don't care for such things, because I don't like crowds and loudness. But it's nice when you and Mom go away for a while, because I love it so much when you come home. We fed you a nice dinner, then gave you a bath, where you tried to drink the water, then put you into a nice clean sack and dumped you into bed. Ah, domestic bliss!


Saturday, May 06, 2006


Dear Nicky,

This morning I tried getting a bottle into you as soon as you woke up, and what do you know, you took almost 8 ounces. That's the way to start your day! Then a couple hours later you took a nice long nap and woke up very sunny and had a fruit and a vegetable. Then Mom took you out for a while to the park down by the library where she put you on the swings. You loved it! She says she swung you really high too. Then it was back home for lunch and another long nap, then Mom was so kind to take you out yet again so I could take a nap. Then I made us some dinner, then I fed and put you to bed. All that fresh air must've wiped you out, you were out like a light and are now sleeping like a log in your room with the window open. Fresh air packs a wallop, apparently!


Friday, May 05, 2006

Fast Friday...

Dear Nicky,

For some reason this day went really fast, even though not much happened. This morning I went to get a haircut while Mom took care of you while two interior decorators came over to talk about what to do with the new house. Apparently you were incredibly charming. Afterward, Mom took you to the park and put you on the swing, which you loved. After my haircut I went to the Virgin Megastore and bought some DVDs on sale for 10 bucks each, and also a trance CD. You know what? CDs always sound better in the store. Guess it must be that million dollar sound system. Then I went to Barnes and Noble, then I came home. You and Mom got some subs at Vito's and we had them for lunch, after I fed you your cereal. Later you and I conked out, and I took a long nap while you and Mom went for another walk. You had some dinner then went to bed. It's pretty warm out so Mom wants the AC. She's probably right, but I hate being cold.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Making progress again...

Dear Nicky,

This morning at Stones, we worked on getting you onto all fours and I think stuff's finally starting to click in that department. This afternoon we were playing on the floor and you started pushing and lifting yourself into that position all by yourself, then later on the bed you did it even better. Earlier Pat the PT told us there's kids that try and fail and try and fail, then there's kids who watch and study and are ready to go when they know they can do something perfectly. You're the latter kind. You have a learning curve that steadily takes things in at a constant rate, then shoots off the charts when it reaches critical mass. In other news, it looks like you have a ton of new teeth coming in. I see swelling, redness, and cusping in maybe four different places. Amazing!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Teething is murder...

Dear Nicky,

You ate most of a scrambled egg this morning with most of a cup of yogurt. It must have held you over pretty good because you weren't hungry the rest of the day. That, plus the agony you must be in with your swollen gums and teething. I gave you some more Tylenol 3, then later in the evening some Motrin. You're running a low grade fever too. I feel so bad for you, pal. You can't eat, you can't rest. I can't rest, either. I wish I could take your pain for you.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Trying day...

Dear Nicky,

It was our first day back at Stones this morning. Traffic was not too bad. It was nice to see everyone again. When we got home you're teeth were bothering you pretty bad, so I slipped you some Tylenol 3. You only got about half down your throat, the other half went down the sides of your face. You napped on me for a while. I liked it. I wish we could nap better together. Then Tim came and gave you a PT workout that you really seemed to enjoy. I gave you a big bottle after, then Mom came home and took you for a walk. Then you had a huge dinner and afterward could barely keep your eyes open. I feel like that now. Good night!


Monday, May 01, 2006

Good eating...

Dear Nicky,

After your bath this morning I'm sure you wanted to take a nap, but you had Shelby. So you were tired, she was kind of tired, and I'm always tired. Afterward you took a bottle and a two-hour nap, then we ran some errands, and you had a huge lunch, another nap, then a big dinner. Knock wood, you're back on your game!
