Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You're in Vermont...

Dear Nicky,

This morning, Mom and Granny took you and Junie to Vermont to visit Aunt Za and your cousins. I know you'll have a nice time, but I'm missing you terribly already. I heard the drive was fine and you guys behaved very well. It's an adventure.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Junie's big 3 day...

Dear Nicky,

Today was your sister's third birthday. It was a pretty great day for us all, everything considered. Junie went to her school with a bunch of cupcakes; the kids and teachers all had one and sang Happy Birthday to her. Meanwhile, you were flirting up a storm with the girls at rocket-ship camp. We collected you both around noon, came home and called Papou, then Junie opened all her presents. One of her toys was a little keyboard that didn't work. I took it back to the store and swapped it for another one...that turned out not to work either. We went to the bank to get something notarized, then the park, then we came home for dinner, then a bath, some Sleeping Beauty on DVD, then we hit the hay.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Granny's party for Junie...

Dear Nicky,

So this afternoon we went over to Granny's for what was purported to be a little birthday party for her. It was okay. It was a sunny day and you guys played in the pool for a while. Dinner was a little lame, but at least the girl cousins came over and you and Junie enjoyed seeing them. Also, there was cake and ice cream for dessert.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rather knackered...

Dear Nicky,

I couldn't sleep last night so I was pretty tired today. Still, I think I comported myself with almost all my usual style and grace. I spent the morning getting presents for June's birthday. Tomorrow we're going out to Granny's, who's hosting a party in the afternoon. Mom took you out to the Great Swamp, where you guys saw a big snake. Tonight, shortly after I put you to bed you were inexplicably frightened of something, but quickly recovered under my my reassuring ministrations.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Tiny, triumphant day...

Dear Nicky,

Well, this morning I dropped you and Junie off at rocket-ship camp again. You were happy to be there and immediately set about playing, but Junie was oddly shy for several minutes initially. But she finally warmed up and happily told me it was time for me to go. I came home and straightened stuff up, then the gutter guys came to clean our gutters; they did nice work, and inexpensively. Then I went to the gym. By the time I got home, Mom had collected you and put you to bed for your nap, which was quite lengthy. When you finally woke up, we went to the castle playground where we had some fun till it was time for dinner. Also, it was very humid and a thunderstorm was coming, so it was doubly sensible we left when we did. We went to the Chimney Rock for dinner, and seconds after we were seated a great downpour raged outside. You and Junie ate reasonably well, then danced at the end of the meal because the sound system was playing "Somebody's Watching Me." And people were watching you because you both were so darn cute. Afterward we went out for ice cream and your behavior was impeccable. Then we came home, watched Monsters Inc., then I put you both to bed, but not before Junie wet her pants in the corner behind the red chair.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just saying hi...

Dear Nicky,

Nothing special going on. This morning after we dropped Junie off, you and I went to the store, where the cashier went bananas over you. Then we went to B&N, where you behavior was a little poor. We picked up Junie and came home and had pancakes for lunch. Laurie came and occupied you for the rest of the afternoon, then I came home and made you a steak dinner.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Space camp, and good news...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I dropped you off at this Baby Power joint again. You and Junie were quite happy to go. You seemed to really like it, and I think you had a good time. Speaking of good, yesterday was sort of rough because we were kind of scared about this thing having to do with Mom's health. It was one of those we'd-like-to-see-some-more-pics type of things. We were pretty worried, but she went back for another x-ray today and everything was totally fine. Talk about feeling relieved.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In brief...

Dear Nicky,

This morning you went to a Baby Power thing with June and you really enjoyed it. We came home, had some lunch, a brief nap, then some time outside blowing bubbles. Dinner was excruciatingly slow, but everybody went to bed easy enough.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Just a few words...

Dear Nicky,

When I'm sad or stressed I reach for you and give you a hug and a squeeze and kiss you all over the face and I feel better.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009...

Dear Nicky,

Today was Father's Day. To be perfectly honest, as I can be only with you, it wasn't very exciting or interesting. Mom gave me some okay stuff that she bought all in one fell swoop when she was buying stuff for herself at that yoga joint she went to for her birthday. Not a lot of thought, not a lot of trouble. Later in the afternoon, we went out to Granny's for a boring time. Whoopdeedo. I'm going to bed now and hopefully I'll wake up in a better mood.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Night out...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you guys to Music Together. Meanwhile I went to the gym for some cardio. Afterward, I took a shower and was shaving when I cut my chin so badly it wouldn't stop bleeding. I tried to get it to stop but it wouldn't. I had to come home, driving with one hand while the other kept a tissue pressed against my face. At home I have a styptic pencil, which is an aluminum salt pencil that instantly stops the bleeding from shaving cuts. When I was about to leave, you guys returned. Mom had taken you to Friendly's for lunch. I went down to Target and got Junie's meds flavored. Later in the day Mary came over to watch you guys while we went briefly to a neighborhood party, then out to dinner, then to Borders. When we came home you were already asleep, and I took Mary home.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Graduation Day 2009...

Dear Nicky,

This morning it was Graduation Day at Stones. You're off till July 6. Today's ceremony was very sweet and cute. There was some singing and a slideshow. Turnout was very good. There were some really tasty baked goods; you stuck with the goldfish. Afterward Mom took you to get your spare specs from Jeff the eye guy, then you went to St. Barnabas for some bloodwork for your thyroid. Apparently you got the magic phlebotomist, a guy who was so good he not only got your vein on the first try but made you laugh the whole time you were getting your blood drawn. Pretty amazing.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nap, haircut, and bath...

Dear Nicky,

You arrived home from Stones early today and were sound asleep. Laurie put you up, where you took a long nap. It was good sleeping weather: cool, dim, and rainy. When you finally woke up I took you for a haircut, where you were admirably well behaved. Then I made you dinner, gave you a bath, and put you to bed. Tomorrow is Graduation Day at Stones.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Poor Junie...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I took June to the docs because we thought she might have an ear infection. Turns out she has bronchialitis and required a nebulizer. Oh my heavens did she freak out. I broke into a sweat. I feared we were doing permanent psychological harm. I felt terrible afterward. I can barely think of it still.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two for two...

Dear Nicky,

It was an ordinary day, but you did pee mostly successfully on the potty. I put you on it immediately when you got home, and this was the second time in a row you made it. Tonight we're trying a different brand of diaper on you since the others seem to leak every night. I hope it works out for you.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Sweet and smart...

Dear Nicky,

This morning it was quite rainy but it turned nice shortly into the day. When you came home, you were especially affectionate. Later, we went out to draw on the driveway and you were extremely smart. I like both these qualities a lot. You also peed nicely on the potty this afternoon. That is all.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mom's back home...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we had a leisurely breakfast then went to the gym. When I was done and came to collect you from the daycare center you were happily bopping to a Dora show. We came home and had some lunch, then an all-too brief nap. When you woke we went in the backyard for a while and Mom came back from her trip while we were playing. Then she played with guys for a bit while I went and got a coffee. When I came home I made you a nice steak dinner with fries and corn, which you ate very well, except for the corn. Then Mom gave you a bath. We watched a little Mermaid, then went to bed. But you must've had a bad dream as you were drifting off because you woke up scared and crying. Mom soothed you and got you back to sleep.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last Super Saturday...

Dear Nicky,

This morning was great. Everybody slept late, after having a great quiet night. You had a bagel for breakfast. We then went to the ARC office for what turned out to be the last Super Saturday. You and June were the only kids there. It was actually really nice. Then we went to Wegman's. We came home, had a little to eat, then took a nap. It rained all afternoon. When you guys woke up we hung out, watched a little Wall-E, then had some dinner. You both started to get wilder as the day wore on, so we called it an early night. I tried reading to you guys before bed, but you'd have none of it, so we just said goodnight.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Just you, me, and Junie makes three...

Dear Nicky,

As it was Mom's birthday the other day, as part of her birthday present she gets to go away this weekend to a spa-type place, and the three of us are here together. It's gonna be great. Tomorrow we go to the ARC offices to have some more fun with your Stepping Stones buddies.


Thursday, June 11, 2009


Dear Nicky,

I'm starting to think maybe the adenoidectomy did some good after all. You had a cold this week that initially produced quite the snot, but it seems to be getting better on its own for a change. The virii don't have your adenoids to hide out in anymore. This morning you were sleeping very soundly. It was dark and rainy, excellent weather for sleeping, and you just didn't want to get up. I had to send you off to school with an empty stomach. I think you went to bed too late last night. We put you up nice and early this evening.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mom's birthday 2009...

Dear Nicky,

It went very well. I'm wiped out now so we'll chat tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Little marvel...

Dear Nicky,

Sometimes I see a photo of you that takes my breath away. Over Memorial Day, as you know, we went to a little picnic at Junie's school. There was a clown named Tickles. She had a ferret and showed it to you. The look on your little face is full of wonder. I'm giving Mom that picture as a birthday present.


Monday, June 08, 2009

Backyard fun...

Dear Nicky,

This afternoon you came home rather sleepy, so we chilled out together for a while and had some laughs, then woke up Junie, and we all went outside together and played in the back yard. We went on the swings, the slide, played shark around the island, played baseball, and treated some poor plants cruelly. Then we went in and I made some pork tenderloin for dinner. It came out very nice. Then Mom came home and gave you a bath and put you to bed. A good day!


Sunday, June 07, 2009

A trim...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we went to church and when it was done and we were leaving the parking lot, some nut tailgated us like crazy. It was so bad that Mom, who was driving, had to pull over and let him pass. This flustered her for the rest of the day. Later in the afternoon, Mom took you to Granny's while I trimmed this Japanese maple of ours in front of the house, along with the blue spruce by the front of the garage, then I dethatched some of the more egregiously thatchy parts of the lawn. Afterward I took a shower and went to Borders. By the time I got back you'd already returned and were just about to go to bed. Mom put you away, and I did Junie.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Stress at Wegman's...

Dear Nicky,

This morning we again went to Stones for a Saturday exercise session. It was fun, as usual. You do very well with these things, then about three-quarters of the way into it, you tend to shut down a little bit. There was an autistic girl there who kept crying, and it seemed to distract everybody else. Afterward, I took you guys to Wegman's while Mom took the car to Jiffylube. At Wegman's you're always a treat to hang out with: you sit happily in the cart and offer me plenty of hugs and kisses. Junie, on the other hand, is always running around, getting in the way, and constantly trying my patience. This morning she got lost at one point. I turned my back for one second and she was gone. I don't know how long I looked for her. I know it must've only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours. I finally found her eating grapes directly from the salad bar. I was furious and terrified at the same time. You guys fell asleep in the car on the way home. After your nap, we played outside for a while. The neighbor kids had a bouncy thing and you both played in it for a while. Then we made you some dinner, which you didn't eat, then we went back outside for a while. Finally, Mom gave you a bath, we watched some Nemo, and I put you to bed.


Friday, June 05, 2009

Strep again...?

Dear Nicky,

No, not you--me. A few days ago I stopped my antibiotics, but I think my strep throat's coming back again. We'll see. Your nose is still runny, not as bad as historically perhaps, but still running. Hey, maybe I'll get my tonsils and adenoids removed. You were in fine spirits today. This evening Mom gave you a bath, and I put you to bet after giving you a snoot of Rhinocort.


Thursday, June 04, 2009


Dear Nicky,

This morning we dropped Junie off at her school, then you and I went on down to Mountainside to Children's Specialized Hospital for some x-rays. You were very cute in the waiting room, playing happily with one of those blocks-on-wires thingys. After a brief wait, they called us in and I got you ready for the x-rays. They wanted to shoot your hips first, so I had to undress you from the waist down. You started to cry, I think from both fear and embarassment. We shot your hips, then moved on to your neck. This whole time you were saying things like, "I'm scared" and "I wanna go home." The process was definitely prooblematic, as you were hard pressed to stay still. You were pretty brave overall I must say, however. Afterward, you quickly regained your composure and wished everyone a hearty "bye-bye!" I hope the pictures turned out okay, and that nothing shows up in terms of skeletal instabilites. I promise you one thing, though: this is the last time I put you through something like this without some kind of sedation. Doctors can go hang themselves.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Another cold...

Dear Nicky,

Well, you had an early dismissal today as it was volunteer appreciation day at Stones. You got home around two and I put you down for a nap. You were fussy at first because you have another cold and your nose is running. But the discharge isn't as copious and as thick as in your pre-adenoidectomy days, so that's something. It's just that it makes it hard for you to sleep, which makes it hard for us to sleep. Anyhoo, you took a nice long nap, then woke up in a good mood and had a decent dinner. I had to torture you with some suction and some Rhinocort before you went to bed, but better now than later.


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Rain and hugs...

Dear Nicky,

It started to rain shortly after you got home this afternoon. It became very dark outside, and at one point I left you in the family room in order to check on the Honda's windows. You burst into tears because maybe you thought I'd left you or you were scared of the weather. I made sure the car windows were shut and came right back. I picked you up and hugged and cuddled you until you declared, "I'm okay now." You pounded some steak for dinner, then you had a bath, and I put you to sleep. Just a moment ago I had to torture you with some suctioning because you were fussing and had a hard time sleeping due to sinus congestion. It was real torture and you have the petechia to show it and I have the scars on my soul to prove it.


Monday, June 01, 2009

Naptime surprise...

Dear Nicky,

Last night, or more accurately, this morning you woke up coughing and wheezing, congested and sleepless. It seemed very crouplike. Before I sent you off to school, I gave your nose a few drops of saline, then suctioned the goop out of your nose, then gave you a couple squirts of Rhinocort. We got no report back saying you'd been especially snotty at Stones, so I guess you did okay. But when you came home, you were sound asleep in your van, so you must've been pretty tired. I took you up and put you down for a nap, a long one for a school day: over two hours. And when you woke up you were in a good mood, but your bottom sheet and your pants were soaked. Turns out, the folks at Stones had sent you home without a diaper on, just your training pants, which are simply no match for the deluge of pee you can unleash. I changed you and your sheet of course, then you had some dinner. Afterward I gave you a snoot of prednisone, a miracle drug when it comes to fighting coughs and croup. Then Mom put you to bed. Have a good night.
