Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A day of no's...

Dear Nicky,

All I heard from you guys all day long was "no." No no no. That's all I got from either one of you. You guys were totally contrary and uncooperative in every respect. I have a bad cold, which just makes it worse. It was a long, sucky day.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Not much going on today. You went back to school this morning. I took Junie to Santa Fe, then went to the gym. Afterward, I had a bite, then collected Junie and went down to Target, mostly just to kill time. I bought another MP3 player for Mom, but now I think her old one was just out of juice. When you came home, we had quite some laughs rolling around on the bed and tickling and wrestling each other. It was fun. You didn't eat much for dinner and you turned whinier as the day wore on. I gave you a bath, read you some Moon Plane, and put you to bed.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Dizzy daddy...

Dear Nicky,

Had to take some NyQuil a minute ago because I feel rather poorly, so I'm a little sleepy as I write. Today we went to the gym because there was no school for you. Then we collected Junie, had pancakes and a nap, then hung out the rest of the afternoon. You ate okay for dinner, we watched some more Toy Story, then to bed. My throat's kinda scratchy.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Party Sunday...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Mom took you and June to Sunday School. I stopped by later and swapped out one of the booster seats so Mom could take you to a birthday party while I took Junie to Wegman's for groceries. We got home before you did. You had a nice time from what I hear. You ate lots of pizza and cake and when you finally went down for your nap, you were out for a long time. Later your only dinner was some apple sauce. I gave you a bath, we watched some Toy Story, and I put you to bed. Exciting, isn't it?


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Better day...

Dear Nicky,

Last night was just fine, no problems. You woke up a little early, but I took you in bed and we all slept till after seven. I made a load of waffles for breakfast, then we went to this morning activity thing at rocket ship camp. It was fun but a little unfocused and maybe the leader was unseasoned. I think you surprised some people with how smart you are. Afterward we went to Target and got some stuff, including a present for your classmate Will's birthday party tomorrow. When we got home Mom was here! You didn't feel like sleeping this afternoon. Later we went out and got some dinner, then came back for a bath, some TV, then sleep at last.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Early to bed tonight, hopefully...

Dear Nicky,

So Mom had to leave on a business trip super early this morning, and there was also a power failure in the neighborhood, so she woke up early and alarmed because the house was in total darkness. So guess what? I've been basically awake since three o'clock this morning. We got a late start to the day, and I've been like a zombie. You kids have been a little wild, but now I'm going to bed and I shall sleep deeply tonight.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back to school night...

Dear Nicky,

This evening we went to your school to do a back to school night. It was nice to see everyone and hear about how well you're doing and what's coming down the line. The people there are really kind and they care about kids. It was actually kind of heartwarming.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Today was about as bad as I expected since I got very little sleep last night, but you and Junie were really well behaved. You guys ate your dinner okay, then I gave you a nice bath with not too much sturm and drang, then we watched some TV then Mom put you to bed. So far so good.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorry I yelled...

Dear Nicky,

Last night you were having a hard time sleeping and woke me up. I stormed into your room and yelled at you to go to sleep and then I gave you three swats on your butt. "I'm sorry!" you cried. Then I stopped in horror at what I'd done and put my head on your little body, which soothed you a little and you finally went to sleep. I'm so sorry I behaved like that. Sometimes I get angry when I'm woken up, but that doesn't excuse my behavior. I felt terribly guilty and ashamed all day.


Monday, September 21, 2009

So what's the latest...

Dear Nicky,

My little friend, I haven't written much since last Wednesday or so. I'm sorry. I think it's the change in the season and it affects me. So last week you got another new driver, Friday I don't remember much of, Saturday was busy. I ran and got a car lease, came home and did a bunch of prep work for a party that night. It turned out well, but it was exhausting, although you and June had a lot of fun. Yesterday was a day for chillin out, though I did make it to the gym for some nice cardio. Today I went and collected the car, which is nice but maybe too much car, we'll see. I was a little late picking up June but she was fine. After you came home and June woke from her nap, we took her to a ballet class. She wasn't interested in the slightest and whined to be taken home. We played outside a little then had some dinner. You didn't go to sleep easy but you finally went.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post party fatigue...

Dear Nicky,

I'll update you tomorrow, I promise. I've just been wiped out.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tomorr for sure...

Dear Nicky,

Cant eve see straighl


Friday, September 18, 2009

A short truth...

Dear Nicky,

I'm tired, and bored, and anxious, and frustrated. I think I'll just go to sleep.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

And again...

Dear Nicky,

Very tired again. Sorry.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Early to bed...

Dear Nicky,

This evening, since you didn't have a nap in the afternoon, I put you to bed a little earlier. You kicked me in the huevos and I yelled at you, then I apologized and we all read a story. You went to bed pretty easily, and I think you'll be more comfortable this evening since you made number two twice this afternoon. You were fussing a minute ago but you seem better now. I hope we don't have another repeat of last night. I couldn't get any sleep and was moving from room to room like a somnambulating gypsy.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More of the same...

Dear Nicky,

I'm sorry to keep telling you how tired I am but that's all I can think to say, except that I love my little boy.


Monday, September 14, 2009

The hoof...

Dear Nicky,

So this morning while Mom and I were waiting on Junie's first day at nursery school, I got a call from your school nurse saying come and get you because you were walking funny. Well, I went and got you, you seemed fine to me, but when Doc Mock took a look at you, he said yep, he's got a limp. He doesn't think it's anything to worry about, just a typical kid thing. Maybe you hurt your foot in the moonwalk ride yesterday, or at Granny's, but he thinks it's nothing. I got to spend all day long with you and Junie, and for dinner you ate a load of pizza bagels.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Car detailing...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I took all the stuff out of the Honda and drove on down to Rt 22 and over to this car detailing joint. See, the lease on the Honda runs out this month, and on Tuesday someone's going to come to inspect it for damage and stuff, so I had it cleaned and polished. This guy shampooed the rugs, vacuum everything, polished all the plastic. It really looks great. Today was your first day back at Sunday School and afterward you guys came and picked me up at the carwash because the guy needed most of the day to do his work. Then we went to a downtown festival where you guys petted some animals and went on some rides. Then Mom took you to Granny's. I did some yardwork and cleaned the outdoor cushion covers. You guys ate at Granny's, but I had a hankering for Chinese food. And so ends another weekend.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

The latest news...

Dear Nicky,

Sorry I couldn't say much yesterday. I was wiped out. So let's see, what did happen yesterday. Well, first thing in the morning, we went down to Children's Specialized to see Dr. Cheng. He checked out your hips, your gait, your braces, that sort of thing. He's very pleased with your overall development and called you incredibly high functioning. He also gave us a prescription for hippotherapy, which is where you ride a horse. It's very therapeutic on many levels, and will strengthen your hips and quads. Afterward I took you to Stones, I went to the gym, then later Mom picked you up and took you to Jeff the Optician, who adjusted all your glasses. Later I went to discuss my cholesterol levels with my doctor, who wants me to go back on Crestor. Mom made hamburgers for dinner, with cupcakes for dessert.

Today was rainy and dreary. We went to Ikea to look for beds for you guys but we weren't really feeling it, so we came home and went to Friendly's for lunch. We came home, had a nap, then went on some errands, got you some new clothes, then got a pizza for dinner. You had a bath, then watched some Aladdin, and then bedtime.


Friday, September 11, 2009


Dear Nicky,

Once again I am wiped out. I will give you a better post tomorrow.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boy was I tired...

Dear Nicky,

Last night I couldn't keep my eyes open. Early yesterday morning, around three or so, I must've sleepwalked or something. I got up in the middle of the night to pee, then I couldn't find my way back to bed. It was pretty scary, actually, and I broke out into a profound sweat. So the rest of the day yesterday was spent a little under the weather. Then in the evening Mom and I went to the future location of your school in West Caldwell. It looks pretty nice, but it seems kinda far. We'll see how it goes. Today was a Laurie day. She keeps talking about how she wants to find another gig. Seems kind of ungrateful if you ask me. We pay top dollar. I made you pork tenderloin and hash browns for dinner, with a banana for dessert. Then I gave you a bath and put you to bed. Mom's not home yet; she's at a thing for the Candlelighters.


Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Dear Nicky,

IOU a post.


schoo tour''

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Back to the ol' grindstone...

Dear Nicky,

This morning I sent you off to school with your usual protests. Your new driver and aide seem very nice. I think you had a nice day, and all your notes seemed very positive. No nap for you this afternoon, so after dinner and some playtime in theback yard, it was time for a bath and bed.


Monday, September 07, 2009

Back from the beach...

Dear Nicky,

We're back in our own little house. What a day. I had t0 yell at Granny so she'd hurry up and leave, then Mom left with you guys shortly thereafter. I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the empty shore house by myself. When I was finally done, I took a shower, dropped off the keys, got some tacos, got some cash, got some taffy for the folks that watched our house, then sat in traffic for the next five hours. Everyone who left early should be grateful to me, because they left at the optimal time, whereas I got stuck in a morass of cars. When I finally got home, it was three hours before I could sit down, I was so busy.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

Last day at the beach...

Dear Nicky,

Today was our last day on the island. It was cold and cloudy and the sun never came out once. The cousins left around four, then a sitter came to hang with you while the grownups went for dinner. It was nice. And expensive. Tomorrow we leave.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

A great day at the beach...

Dear Nicky,

Today was a great beach day. It was warm, sunny, and the water was nice. At one point a wave knocked you down and rolled you a bit. You were scared but you recovered. I couldn't help bit notice how bouyant you were. In a couple inches of water you bobbed like a cork. After dinner we went back yet again to the amusement park, this time with the grandparents and the cousins and Aunt Duchy. You danced up a storm at the dance area, but the relatives pooped out early. Our little family continued on, with me winning a blue fish toy for your sister at one of those arcade games were you shoot water in the clown's mouth. When we got home Granny was catastrophizing, as usual.


Friday, September 04, 2009

Guests at the beach...

Dear Nicky,

This morning Granny and Grandaddy arrived for a visit. And late this afternoon Aunt Duchy arrived with all your girl cousins. You and June we're so excited to see them you were about to burst. You guys had dinner together all by yourselves in the dining room while the grown ups hunched over the coffee table like crows. After dinner you kids went out to play. You and June had a lot of fun with your cousins. You guys used up a whole platter of glowsticks.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ice cream neatness...

Dear Nicky,

This evening we went out for ice cream after our pizza dinner. You acted kind of silly most of the day, throwing food around and the like. But you ate your pizza well tonight so we went and got some ice cream. Usually you never eat your ice cream but you did tonight. And you ate it far better than June, who simply made a huge mess. The girls left early to walk home but you and I stayed at the ice cream place until you were totally through with your ice cream. You took a long time but you were very thorough and neat.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

An okay day...

Dear Nicky,

The weather was so so today. It was cold this morning and not too sunny. We went to a playground till it got warmer, then we went to the beach. We had lunch, a nap, a trip to Target, dinner, then to the arcade again. We all seemed a little tired today.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Dear Nicky,

So last night maybe you were cold or couldn't sleep and so you came into our room. That drove me out. This morning we went down to the beach but it was too cold and windy for us so we came home. This evening we had babysitter come and Mom and I went out to dinner. It was nice.
