Dear Nicky,
So I told you yesterday was a busy Friday, but that's all I could tell you because by the time I got around to writing yesterday's journal entry I was too tired to do more than say a couple words. Anyway, let me bring you up to speed. Friday morning you got up kind of early, around 4:30 or so; that's just too early, by the way, but when you work out hard with one of your therapists, you konk out early and wake up early due to hunger. Mom took you out to Livingston yesterday--no, not for Stepping Stones, but she had an appointment with her new OB/GYN. I think I may have told you this already, but if I haven't, here it is: you're going to be a big brother to a baby sister, due in June, who we'll be calling...June. I think you're going to be a fantastic big brother; you are a fountain of love and affection, and I can't wait for you to share some of that with June, who I know is going to adore you as much as we do.
Mom took you with her because I had an appointment for a physical myself. The doc checked me out and found me okay for the most part. I have to go back for a stress test and echo sometime, but scheduling's tight. When I came home you guys had only recently returned. Apparently there was a two-hour delay at the doc's. Mom had a bunch of phone calls to make and manuscripts to read, so I fed you and hung out with for a while, then I went to Target for more Nickyfood. Again you went to sleep early and this time woke up at 3:00 in the morning. I fed you and we finally got you back to sleep, but then I couldn't sleep, so today I was pretty tired. And on top of that, it was just you and me alone, kid. Mom went up to Vermont to visit Aunt Sarah and her new little addition; she'll be back tomorrow afternoon.
Today, you and I hung out and had a lot of laughs. We didn't have to go anywhere, so your schedule was much more relaxed. You ate really well and took a long nap. Then we went out to make a car payment and mail some bills and take a stroll up and down the promenade. You ate again when we came back, napped some more, woke up, played, ate, and now you're down, well fed, and I hope you don't wake up too early tomorrow, because frankly, my darling boy, I'm beat.