Friday, January 18, 2008

You're okay...

Dear Nicky,

So this afternoon, Mom took you to the doc's for a followup visit to make sure your ear infection and your thrush were gone, and they were. And you've also gained back all the weight you lost while we were down in Anguilla. Brr! What a nightmare that was. I still shudder at the thought of it. Anyway, you seem nice and healthy, but we got the name of a good GI doc up in Hackensack whom we'll probably be visiting in order to address your reflux. Lately it seems to me to be flaring up quite a bit and leading to disturbed sleep. In other news, you're displaying just the slightest increase in a desire to walk, and Junie seems to have caught another cold, poor thing. She's not a very good sick person, I can tell you that right now.



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