Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The meeting...

Dear Nicky,

So let me catch you up, okay? As you know, the other day I finished the Me book, which is basically an introduction to the wonder that is my boy Nick. The purpose of this is to present it to this committee with whom we met yesterday. This was a determination meeting to see if you qualified for special educational requirements. Now, because of your diagnosis, this was merely a formality, but it was legally required to get the ball rolling in order to have things rolling when you do your transition in March. Anyway, everybody was really nice and they seemed sincere, and they loved the Me book and couldn't get over how cute you were, etc. So, maybe I'm naive, but I think it went pretty well. I don't think their facilities really meet our needs, but we have to go through the motions. They'd be lucky to have you, though.



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