Monday, April 10, 2006

Very snuggly...

Dear Nicky,

After Shelby came this morning and you impressed her with rolling the ball and clapping, I fed you, then put you down for a nap. You napped a little, then had your usual hard time transitioning from a light sleep to a deeper sleep, so I picked you up and snuggled you in the red chair for about another hour. I fell asleep at one point and woke with such a start that I woke you. You gasped and started too, and then went right back to sleep. It was pretty sweet to see. It was nice out and we later went for a walk. The winds were fairly strong and steady and I think they made you fuss a little, so we came back and you took another nap. Again, you had a hard time transitioning and again I snuggled you. I just couldn't help it, you're so darn snuggly.



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